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Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu sold their reputations for hometown deals as part of the Senate health care bill. Now that the Senate bill is dead, they have nothing to show for the sale. Raymond J. Donovan was Secretary of Labor under Ronald Reagan. Donovan...

In case you have not heard, the Democrats have come up with a plan to nullify temporarily the Massachusetts voters in the Senate special election on January 19, if Scott Brown wins. As reported by the Boston Herald, interim Senator Paul Kirk is on record...

Yesterday I posted on Jane Hamsher’s appearance on Fox News to demand defeat of the Senate bill. Today, Hamsher and Grover Norquist, who runs the conservative Americans for Tax Reform, have issued a joint letter demanding the resignation of Rahm Emanuel, and an investigation into...

In order to get large pharmaceutical companies behind Obamacare, including getting the drug companies to advertise, the Obama administration cut a deal, among other things, that the re-importation of drugs would not generally be permitted. Unlike some issues, there are legitimate points on each side...

I wonder how Nebraskans will feel waking up this morning knowing that their Senator Ben Nelson sold out the rest of the nation on Medicaid reimbursement in order to secure a deal for Nebraska. While Nebraskans will get new Medicaid mandates covered by the federal...

I was in the car most of the day, so I haven’t had a chance to post on the Ben Nelson sellout. So here are some initial thoughts: Yes, it is that bad. The Democrats are about to put in place the legislative, regulatory and...

Barack Obama loves to try to blame George Bush for our deficits and out of control spending, as if Democratic control of Congress for the last several years, and Obama’s control of the budget this year, had nothing to do with it. So how will...

The Telegraph in Britain has a story about a massive iceberg which broke off from the Antarctic ice cap and is heading for Australia. The iceberg is so large that if it hits the mainland it would cause a 3.0-4.0 tremor on the Richter scale....

Mary Landrieu’s deal for an extra $300 million in Medicaid funds for poor Louisiana residents has been hailed by Landrieu as a great victory for the people of Louisiana, and by just about everyone else as a shakedown of Harry Reid and the American people....

The Nation magazine has an extensive article detailing a classified operation in Pakistan by Blackwater, acting expressly under U.S. authority and coordination, to fight al–Qaeda: At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city...

It gets curiouser and curiouser. Yesterday, Mary Landrieu closed the deal for a payoff to Louisiana in exchange for her vote to let Harry Reid’s health care restructuring bill go to Senate floor debate. The deal had been negotiated over weeks, with initial reports putting...

There will be plenty of time to analyze the wisdom or lack thereof in bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York City for a civilian criminal trial. Plenty of times as in years and possibly decades of legal wrangling over a host of issues. But...

Yet another “shocked to find gambling in Casablanca” moment. This time, the AP — yes the AP! — checked claims of jobs “created or saved” by stimulus bill spending, and found that the number of jobs was overstated by a factor of 1 in 6:...

Politico has an article today on a secret arrangement struck last April among corporate lobbyists, the Obama administration, and Senator Max Baucus, exchanging favorable treatment for corporate interests for advertising dollars in support of Democratic health care reform: At a meeting last April with corporate...

Every now and then, like the proverbial broken clock, Frank Rich at the NY Times gets something mostly right. His column, The Rabbit Ragu Democrats, gets it mostly right and does a good job exposing the reality that lobbyists for corporate interests are running just...

So predicts Gerald Warner in The Telegraph newspaper, in a column with the lengthy and highly descriptive title President Pantywaist in retreat: Barack Obama hoists the white flag over Stalinist health care proposals. [h/t Tim Blair] After reading the title, I’m not sure you really...

With all that is happening in the world and at home, it would be easy to forget about the drama unfolding in Honduras this weekend. Manuel Zelaya is threatening another attempt at a return to Honduras this Sunday, is taking steps to set up an...