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From reader Michael: Professor, from a voting location in Katy TX…. I just voted for Cruz!

Stuart Rothenberg still sees no Dem wave in sight: Democratic strategists need a dramatic shift in the House playing field if they are going to have any chance of netting the 25 seats they need to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. And...

Well, I was against Obama before you were against Obama, so I’m way cooler. From reader Brian, who spotted this vehicle in Santa Cruz, CA.  Neither Brian nor I could identify the flag, hopefully it’s not something bad: Update:  Thanks to reader L1b3r7y 0r D347h, the flag is...

As noted yesterday, Richard Goldstone has recanted and regretted much of his report issued on behalf of the United Nations Human Rights Council accusing Israel of serious war crimes during the Gaza war. So how do we cleanse the world of the putrid stench of...

The Obama administration’s actions towards Honduras continue to defy logic. On the one hand, Obama states that he is for the rule of law. Yet Obama meddles in the worst possible way in Hondurans’ attempt to protect their country from a Chavez-style tyranny. Read Fausta’s...