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The recent endorsement of Mitt Romney for President by The Washington Examiner has worked to underscore an odd and conflicting point by Romney supporters who are attempting to “make the case for Mitt.” A common line that has been consistently trumpeted by Romney supporters is...

Great analysis of Nancy Pelosi’s threatened blackmail of Newt Gingrich, from Bill Quick of Daily Pundit (via The Other McCain).  It sure does feel good to read and imagine: You know what, though?  She’s got bupkus that will make any difference.  The Dems are absolutely...

I’ve posted about “unknown unknowns” before, as it is a structure I use in class to discuss how to build a case.  At a press conference about Iraq Donald Rumsfeld famously said: “[T]here are known knowns; there are things we know we know.  We also know...

I posted yesterday the spot on article by Byron York, The insider-outsider divide over Newt Gingrich, which delves into the great divide between Washington Republican political players (politicians and media) who have their noses out of joint over Newt because he was mean to them in...

End Game Assessment:  Something different.  Not sure we learned much.  Not having everyone or at least multiple candidates together allowed for stock answers.  This was not a format in which one candidate clearly could be a winner or loser. Clearly went after Newt with the...

I have been agnostic on the Republican primary so far, but the time for choosing has arrived. For the reasons set forth below, I believe that the primaries will come down to Mitt Romney versus Newt Gingrich.  As such, the choice is not between Newt Gingrich and...

Newt appeared on Center Seat to face the panel Mitt Romney refuses to face (video h/t The Right Scoop): Steven Hayward at Powerline points out a key point: Maybe the best part was when Steve Hayes played the infamous TV ad Newt cut with Nancy...

Love this move: Republicans have decided they’re not going to give a  rebuttal to President Obama’s jobs speech later this week, a decision House  Democratic Leader Nancy  Pelosi took as a high affront to the White  House. At least three GOP lawmakers also have announced  they’re...

This is the big case involving 26 states.  In January, Judge Roger Vinson struck the entire law finding that the mandate could not be severed from the rest of the law. The 11th Circuit ruled that the mandate was unconstitutional, but unlike Judge Vinson, did not...

A frequent commenter quoted this post by Erick Erickson at RedState: A week ago, the United States House of Representatives sent a bipartisan measure to the United States Senate where it fell five votes short of a majority. Today, John Boehner sent over legislation that...

Here is your overnight debt bomb defusing news: Sam Stein at HuffPo says Boehner’s going to call Obama’s bluff on a short term extension:  “The Ohio Republican, in a briefing with his conference on Saturday, announced that he would press for a short-term deal, with major...

John Boehner has given up, for now, trying to negotiate a debt deal with Obama because Obama is insisting on a tax increase as part of any deal: “In the end, we couldn’t connect. Not because of different personalities, but because of different visions for...

Democrats have an idea.  Let’s take an additional $2 trillion from the private sector and give it to the federal government. What possibly could go wrong?