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Opening new post for post-results — problems with embedded tweet codes here. % Reporting – 95 Mourdock – 60 Lugar – 40 Sen. John Kerry: Sen. Lugar’s defeat is a “tragedy for the Senate” #INSEN — Bahman Kalbasi (@BahmanKalbasi) May 9, 2012 Obama: As a friend...

Two moderate Blue Dog incumbent Democrats lost to left-wing, union-backed challengers in Pennsylvania yesterday: The Blue Dogs’ bark in Congress is sounding more and more like a whimper. The once-powerful coalition of conservative Democrats suffered two more casualties on Tuesday as Rep. Jason Altmire, D-Pa.,...

When an administration has completely botched handling of economic issues during its first term, how does it go about seeking reelection where the economy is the most important issue? Somehow, the logical thing to do is talk about raising taxes. Ordinarily, this would be political...

I’m not predicting that the mandate or the entirety of Obamacare will go down at the Supreme Court.  But based on the oral arguments, those who support the law are in a state of panic. Digging back into Memeorandum from March 23, 2010, when Obamacare was signed...

It’s easy to find unanimous votes in favor of various bills and resolutions in the House of Representatives, but unanimously against? Let me know if this is truly historic, or just profoundly embarrassing for Obama: President Obama’s budget was defeated 414-0 in the House late...

This video explaining how free contraception is a law student human right apparently was not parody.  This video of law students warning 16-year-olds not to go to law school is a parody, a take off on this 16-year-old me video.  (h/t @GabrielMalor) [Update:  Strange, the video now redirects...

Consider this “obligatory.”  And unintended parody. CNS’ headline says Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control: A Georgetown co-ed told Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s hearing that the women in  her law school program are having so much sex that they’re going broke,  so you and I...

Historically high winter gas prices: Who to blame? You know. Via American Glob: Obama is still trying to make this about Republicans. Nancy Pelosi has moved on to blaming Wall Street. A few years ago Obama, Pelosi and almost every other member of their party blamed...

So it’s okay.  (h/t Terri in Tip Line) The point is not that there’s anything wrong with it, but the hypocrisy (which applies even more to Romney) is dripping, considering how Newt was raked over the coals for a video with Nancy Pelosi which did...

Mitt Romney has outspent Newt Gingrich on negative advertising in every state, starting in Iowa, and was the first to go negative every time. Yet Romney, with absolute conviction, continues to say that the reason he lost South Carolina was that he was outspent by...

While many of us (and I’ll plead guilty as well) have been preoccupied with the primaries, and today with the Mitt and Donald Show, very important hearings were held today on the Fast and Furious scandal. If you don’t think it’s critical to control the...

If you asked me even a couple of weeks ago whether the Republican Party could heal from the wounds of this election cycle in time to unite against Obama, I would have said “Yes.” I’m not so sure anymore.  After the South Carolina primary the Republican establishment,...

There is something truly obscene about the full blown assault on Newt Gingrich’s strong Reagan conservative history from and on behalf of Mitt Romney, who unabashedly ran away from the Reagan legacy and conservative principles in his 1994 Senate campaign and 2002 gubernatorial campaign. Truly...

S.E. Cupp, who previously called Newt a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown, is on the verge of a breakdown, Newt’s Doomed Crusade: At the risk of sounding maudlin or apocalyptic, the conservative movement is  poised to become irrelevant or simply extinct…. [C]onservatives are in dire...

Mitt Romney’s key debate line of late is that Newt resigned in disgrace over ethics charges. It’s even featured in the most recent Romney advertisement (not his SuperPAC) running in Florida. I posted links the other day showing that the charges against Newt were political and...