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As many of you may know, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently said, in regards to those pesky Tea Party activists challenging GOP incumbents for Senate seats: “I think we are going to crush them everywhere. I don’t think they are going to have a...

We’ve brought you a selection of links for your Friday evening reading (and viewing). Twitchy highlights the cartoon from editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez on the departure of Sharyl Attkisson from CBS News National Review Online has more on the Lois Lerner situation as Issa, Cummings...

At this point it’s tempting to regard the IRS as not-so-secret agents of the Obama administration and the Democrats. This is not paranoia. As Ed Rogers wrote in the WaPo, it is fact: Encouraged by the lack of a public backlash, an uninquisitive press, cover...

The IRS Scandal is alive and kicking.  Although it is being drowned out of media attention by the Obamacare and Benghazi scandals. Two important revelations this week related to the targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups. First, Lois Lerner has been caught feeding confidential...

The House Oversight Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing today at 11:00am ET on “The IRS’ Systematic Delay and Scrutiny of Tea Party Applications.” (Livestream also at the bottom of this post). FOX News’ Carl Cameron reported Wednesday evening on the O’Reilly Factor that...

Today we learned that it only took Hillary Clinton less than an hour to become Twitter-verified. Twitter verification is the blue checkmark in the corner of a twitter profile. This speedy event was unrelated to the alacrity with which a charity of Barack Obama’s brother...

Misfired 2010 email alerted more IRS officials to Tea Party scrutiny A misfired email from a U.S. Internal Revenue Service employee in Cincinnati in July 2010 alerted a broad group of Washington IRS officials to the heightened scrutiny being given conservative groups, according to an...

At congressional hearings yesterday, it was revealed that the IRS planted a question at an ABA meeting in order to give Lois Lerner of the IRS the opportunity to get ahead of the pending Inspector General Report and make it seem as if the IRS had voluntarily...

At congressional hearings today, it was revealed that IRS planted question at ABA mtg disclosing targeting of conservatives via communications between Celia Roady, a tax lawyer who asked the question, and Lois Lerner of the IRS who was on an ABA panel.  Roady has a deep...

[Hearing now adjourned.] Start at 9 a.m. Eastern. You can view it on CSPAN-2. [live video and Twitter fees removed] Congressman Roskam (IL-06) did a particularly good job: IRS IG George: #IRS targeting of conservative groups began in early 2010, DC officials became aware in...

This morning Prof Jacobson observed IRS reaped hatred of Tea Party sown by Democrats and the media. A Tweeter responded: @leginsurrection Douthat makes the same point, in a NYer’s version of the argument… — Tampa (@S1CT) May 12, 2013 Indeed. Douthat laid out the...