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Marissa Alexander has been released on bail, according to widespread news reports.  The conditions of her release are stringent, although not overly so for someone who has never been a very appropriate candidate for pre-(re-)-trial release.  Alexander had been previously convicted of aggravated assault with...

On June 16, 2009, in the earliest days of discussion about what form Obamacare would take, I wrote, Deception and Tyranny Key To Health Care Reform: The only way the Obama administration and Democrats can force through the types of changes they envision for the...

I have been following various faculty reactions to the Ray Kelly shout-down, including from Political Science Professor Marion Orr who apologized for inviting Kelly, and Biology Professor Ken Miller who issued a forceful denunciation of the shout-down. So when I saw an article in The...

More is coming to light in recent days and weeks to suggest that concerns about potential security issues with the website may be justified. In an article today from CNN, it was revealed that lack of testing of presented a security risk, according...

Navigate to the Hoboken, NJ, public schools website –a town just across the Hudson from New York City — and you’ll find a front-page announcement that since 2008, Hoboken has based its pre-school and kindergarten curriculum on “Tools of the Mind,” also known as “Cultural-Historical...

Much of the coverage of the Marissa Alexander case (previously touched on Legal Insurrection here and here) laments that Ms. Alexander was sentenced to a statutory mandatory sentence of 20 years in prison for having “merely” fired a “warning shot”.   The actual evidence of...

Among the nicest things the Democratic smear machine called Sarah Palin was “Caribou Barbie.” Just about everything else they called her was much worse. The term “Caribou Barbie” started within days of Palin’s nomination for Veep in August 2008.  By September 2, 2008, the term was spreading...

In May 2012, Marissa Alexander was convicted of aggravated assault for having fired a gun at her estranged husband and his two children. Under Florida’s “10-20-Life” law she received the mandatory 20-year-sentence for having fired a gun in the commission of a felony. We wrote...