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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Democrats have shelved the idea of passing the 'Build Back Better' bill for now and have moved on to trying to federalize elections under the guise of voting rights. Elizabeth Warren, however, has circled back to the idea of packing the United States Supreme Court with liberal justices.

Abigail Schrier - "what’s it like to be the target of so much hate? It’s freeing."...

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been a leading voice in the fight against Critical Race Theory in education. He is now introducing his latest effort in this battle. It's called the “Stop W.O.K.E. Act.” Taking action on this issue is not only the right thing to do, it's smart politics. This was one of the key issues for Glenn Youngkin's recent victory in Virginia.

Welcome to our coverage of the Kim Potter manslaughter trial over the April 11, 2021, shooting death of Daunte Wright in a suburb of Minneapolis, when then-police officer Potter accidentally used her Glock 17 pistol in place of her intended Taser. I expect that today we will see the State rest its case in chief, and the defense will finally get its turn to start calling witnesses.

Democrats want big tech companies to start doing racial equity audits, supposedly to promote racial justice in hiring and employment practices. The truth is that this is all about power and making sure these companies are stacked with social justice warriors.