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My appearance on NTD TV: "I don't know how [the Judge] justifies the day before Super Tuesday. Clearly that puts the defense under enormous burden to prepare their defense.... I think this really does deprive Trump of his right to a fair trial."

This is a speedy trial, not as speedy as the prosecution wanted (January 2), but much sooner than Trump wanted (April 2026). Trump lawyer: "We will not be able to provide adequate representation.... [The] trial date will deny President Trump the opportunity to have effective assistance of counsel."

Trump campaign and influencers, who have called DeSantis and his supporters every vile term imaginable, are trying to stoke anger over this: "The movement has... gotta be based in principle. Because if you're not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that [are] just supposed to follow whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement."

Applicants for Joey Lee Garmon Multicultural Scholarship “must be of an ethnic group that has been historically and traditionally oppressed in the achievement of academic and leadership endeavors,” with special preference given to “applicants of African American, American Indian, Asian American, and Latinx American heritage”

The means by which an election is overturned may be criminal, but the end goal in and of itself is not criminal. So much of what is alleged in the D.C. and Georgia cases is non-criminal politics.

The Court found no ground for summary remand of the case back to state court, and will make a decision whether to keep the case in federal court permanently after a hearing on August 28. Depending on the outcome of that hearing, Georgia may have to prosecute Meadows in federal court, not Fulton County Superior Court, where Meadows will raise his federal immunity defense.

My appearance on the Jesse Kelly Show: "And now [Trump's] going to roll out, apparently Monday, a new report about Georgia election fraud. I mean, are you kidding me? It's two and a half years later. What is the endgame here? ... There is no process to decertify an election that took place two and a half years ago. The way you stop this growing totalitarianism is to win the next election, but everything they're doing is set up to lose the next election."

"Nothing Mr. Meadows is alleged in the indictment to have done is criminal per se: arranging Oval Office meetings, contacting state officials on the President’s behalf, visiting a state government building, and setting up a phone call for the President. One would expect a Chief of Staff to the President of the United States to do these sorts of things.... This is precisely the kind of state interference in a federal official’s duties that the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits, and that the removal statute shields against."