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The Elizabeth Warren Cherokee saga is like opening up a Russian matryoshka doll, there’s always something else inside. Or perhaps more appropriately, like peeling back The Onion. Please say this is not soooooo! From Michael Patrick Leahy: The credibility of Massachusetts Democratic  Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren...

Remember the non-parody story about Elizabeth Warren citing her cousin’s partial editing of the early 1980s Pow Wow Chow cookbook as evidence of Warren’s Native American ancestry? I could not figure out how Warren found that obscure text.  Now we know, she submitted recipes to...

A reader alerted me to Thoughts from Polly’s Granddaughter, a blog run by Twila Barnes, devoted to documenting Cherokee genealogy and countering fraudulent claims of Cherokee heritage: I am the wife of a career soldier and the mother of four. I am registered with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and, like...

On April 30, 2012, The Boston Globe broke the story that Chris Child of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) had located information about a marriage license showing that Elizabeth’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, Document ties Warren kin to Cherokees: A record unearthed Monday shows that US...

Huh? you say.  Pay attention, you’ll get an education like I just did. Andrew Bolt of the Herald Sun in Australia  linked to one of my Elizabeth Warren posts in his post titled, Cherokee no more.  The following sentences at the end of his post jumped out...

I’m a little late to this (as in 1.75 hours, which is like forever in internet time), so h/t to Ed Driscoll standing in for Prof. Reynolds at Instapundit, and dmacleo in the Tip Line. Drip. Drip. Drip. The Boston Globe: A second law school, the...

Via Mass GOP, Massachusetts Republican Party Launches New Web Video:  “FRAUDSTER” As the questions over Elizabeth Warren’s false claims to Native American ancestry continue to swirl, the Massachusetts Republican Party today launched a new web video called “Fraudster.” The video documents Warren’s shifting story and the...

Keep calling attention to this video, over and over again, as part of an ethics complaint against Scott Brown, via Politico: The Massachusetts Democratic Party has filed an ethics complaint against Scott Brown, alleging that Brown has used official resources for campaign purposes. The complaint focuses on...

Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she looked, including when she looked in the mirror and saw an alleged descendant of one of the most historically victimized groups, Native Americans. In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only...

Much of the discussion in the media regarding Elizabeth Warren is about whether it is appropriate for someone who is 1/32 Cherokee to claim Native American status. There are numerous articles about what it means to be Native American, and who gets to define ethnicity. ...

Today seems to be a turning point in the Elizabeth Warren-Cherokee story.  Her shifting and implausible explanations have made her a laughing-stock, never good for any candidate.  Warren has lost the argument, and her credibility. Her story about why she listed herself as a minority...

Could it get any worse? When Elizabeth Warren first acknowledged that she had represented herself to be Native American when filling out forms for the Association of American Law Schools directories in the mid-80s through mid-90s, Warren based her claim entirely on family “lore.” A...