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Perhaps readers can help me with this.  There are two points which have been universally accepted as true in the media, but I have not been able to find evidence in the police and other records released by the City of Sanford. 1.  Skittles and...

This has been a really bad day for eliminationist narratives of a rising right-wing terror. First, it turns out that George Zimmerman, rather than being a product of Republican / Tea Party / right-wing talk radio, was a registered Democrat. Now, a federal judge has...

Via The Crawdad Hole, a very interesting chart of FBI crime statistics for 2009. What it shows is that whites kill whites, and blacks kill blacks.  And interestingly, “other” kills “other.” It’s not the narrative heard much in the media, because it does not play...

I predicted Saturday night that the Trayvon Martin case was being set up for an explosive outcome in which expectations of a conviction faced the reality of the rights of an accused and evidence which cast “reasonable doubt” on what happened. Two developments today make the facts...

Off the road, finally. I’m catching up on what was going on today.  What did I miss? Okay, here’s what I’m finding: Rick Santorum on Face the Nation prejudges the Zimmerman-Martin case, and attributes malicious motives to Zimmerman (emphasis mine): NORAH O’DONNELL: Senator, the President did...

There have been numerous threats made against George Zimmerman, the shooter of Trayvon Martin.  It is unclear whether a crime was committed, and Zimmerman has not been charged. Spike Lee’s most famous film was Do the Right Thing, about racial tensions which spill into violence:...

I advocated yesterday for letting the facts come out in the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman.  And that’s still my position. The case began to get attention when the Martins had to file a civil suit for release of the 911 tapes.  I don’t...

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has just released a decision (here) overturning Judge Sumi’s ruling invalidating the Wisconsin collective bargaining bill. Some key language from the ruling, which overturned Judge Sumi’s rulings both procedurally (for interfering in the legislative process) and substantively (there was no violation...

No surprise here. Judge Maryann Sumi has issued a ruling throwing out the Wisconsin collective bargaining law based on an alleged failure to comply with the state Open Meetings Law.  Unlike prior rulings, which were based on a “likelihood of success” standard in connection with...

Jared Loughner was not a political person, so far as has been revealed to date.  There is no evidence whatsoever that Loughner was inspired by, or even listened to, right wing radio or commentators, much less ever saw the 10-month old Sarah Palin electoral target map which...