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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced today, through a spokesman, that he will not be resigning on Monday, December 15, 2008, as some have speculated. The 15th is the day the Illinois legislature is supposed to consider articles of impeachment supported by Illinois Speaker of...

William Felkner, a former student at the Rhode Island College [RIC] School of Social Work, has filed suit against the school claiming that he was the subject of discrimination based on his conservative views. Felkner claims that professors and administrators used the pretext that Felkner's...

See my article, For the Sake of the Nation, Gov. Blagojevich Should Not Resign, at American Thinker. Why would I want a corrupt Governor to remain in office until trial and conviction? Because that is the only way all the facts will come out quickly,...

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has filed papers with the Illinois Supreme Court seeking to have Governor Rod Blagojevich declared "unable" to serve, and stripping him of his executive powers pending impeachment proceedings. In filing these papers, however, the Attorney General has boxed herself and...

My article, It's Time to Speak Out Against The "Mormon Boycott" (at American Thinker, with a related post here) has been selected as a First Place Winner at Watcher of Weasels. I think this means I am not a weasel, but whatever, a win is...

December 10, 2008 was the "Day Without A Gay" boycott. This foolish boycott was a reaction to California Prop. 8, which enshrined in the California state constitution the traditional definition of marriage. The essence of the boycott, which was modeled on the failed May 1,...

There is no better example of why the NY Times is crumbling than the article $73 an Hour: Adding It Up. The article focuses on the oft-quoted fact that United Auto Worker members cost Detroit auto makers $73 per hour, which exceed the cost for...

Illinois Governor Rudy Blagojevich has been indicted [correction 12/14/2008 - charged in a criminal complaint] for many offenses. While the press has focused on the attempt to sell Barack Obama's open Senate seat, there is a more important aspect of the indictment as relates to...

The stimulus plan proposed by Barack Obama focuses on public infrastructure projects, which have a long history of cost overruns, corruption, and construction incompetence. Public infrastructure construction and maintenance is important, it's just not an efficient use of funds if a quick economic stimulus is...

In his weekly radio address today, Barack Obama repeated his intention to stimulate the economy and "create" jobs through a massive public infrastructure program. As we have noted before, "[o]f all the concepts to help build the economy, Barack Obama has seized on the one...

I have argued that the "Mormon boycott" resulting from the passage of California Proposition 8 is both unjustifiable and harmful to the cause of gay marriage. (See my article at American Thinker and post immediately below). In an article titled Boycotts That Backfire, Jennifer Vanasco...

See my article, It's Time To Speak Out Against The "Mormon Boycott", at American Thinker. Read the article, and the documentation of the growing movement to boycott Mormon stores, businesses, and to subject individual Mormons to harassment.Whether there is a constitutional right to change the...

If there is any doubt in your mind who is No. 2 in the Obama administration, watch the body language of Obama's December 1, 2008 press conference announcing the national security team. While Joe Biden finally was allowed to appear in public, the body language...

"Day Without A Gay." If you only read the title, you would think this was a holiday invented by homophobes. But no, December 10, 2008, has been declared "Day Without A Gay" by ...