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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


History tells us, however, that economic redistribution plans fail because the producers of society would rather not produce, than have the fruits of their production taken away and given to others. Obama can raise the tax rates on income, but he cannot force people to...


Michael Steele, the possible new Chairman of the Republican National Committee, has some common sense thoughts about the country, the election, and the future. The audio is here....

As reported in many blogs in August 2008, the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) came under intense pressure to move its annual convention, scheduled to start January 6, 2009, away from a hotel owned by a contributor to the pro-Proposition 8 campaign in California....

"In jest there is truth"[youtube=]...

Think a change of administration only matters if the incoming President can pass legislation? Here is a list of Justice Department jobs from the "Plum Book" which are filled at the discretion of the President. While legislation is important, these positions and hundreds more, will...

The widely reported news that Sarah Palin didn't know Africa was a continent has been revealed to be a hoax. The news "source" supposedly inside the McCain campaign was an impostor, who even created a phony research institute to give legitimacy to his claims, and...

Conservatives face a choice. Yield to "progressive" policies which, once implemented will take a generation to undo, or stand on principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, and capitalism? Giving in is much easier, but in the long run more costly. We can learn a lot...

The University of Michigan has an interesting set of maps colored red and blue depending upon how you look at it. While the country went blue (Democrat) on a state by state basis, on a county by county basis this still is a red (Republican)...

Ever wonder what the Democrats would do if roles were reversed, and Republicans had swept a Democratic President ouf of office and taken control of Congress? James G. Wiles, in Farewell To Sweetness & Light has some astute observations, and some advice for the outgoing...

"Rahm is for Rahm." Sounds like Obama has found a kindred spirit.[youtube=]...

What did Nancy Reagan ever do to Obama to deserve being mocked at Obama's first press conference? Not only inappropriate, but telling. UPDATE: Obama apologizes.[youtube=]...

Barack Obama is one of the most aggressive politicians this nation has ever seen, but his aggression is masked by soothing talk and words of hope. Is it really surprising that Obama has named Rahm Emanuel, nicknamed Rahmbo for his aggressive partisan style, as White...

What took so long? Finally, a rational reaction to media bias, but alas, too little, too late.[youtube=]...

An excellent article by Quinn Hillier, Saul Alinsky Takes the White House, makes a point similar to what I made in my article, Will Obama's Election Result in One Person, One Vote, One Time? Hillier points out that it will not be easy for conservatives...

In the video below, Obama supporters celebrating his victory unfurled the flag of the former Soviet Union. I assume these young revelers, just back from class on deconstructing everything that supposedly is wrong with the United States, have never read the works of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn,...