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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The "alleged terrorist" attacks in Mumbai raise the issue of how to interrogate terrorists captured in the middle of an operation, when information may save innocent lives. In the longer term, the rules governing terrorist interrogation and detention may decide whether the terrorists live or...


Here is an example of the type of people Indian authorities were dealing with:"Indian investigators are examining a satellite phone and GPS map recovered from a trawler, the Kubar, floating in the Arabian Sea. The crew was missing from the vessel except for its master...

Reports from Mumbai, India, indicate that authorities have captured one or more of the terrorists responsible for attacks on hotels and other civilian locations. Although the attacks have been going on for over two days, as of this moment the situation is not completely under...

The mainstream media, which swooned over Barack Obama, is going through a mild period of self-examination. Howard Kurtz' piece, A Giddy Sense of Boosterism, has sparked media self-examination over how the media debased itself through pro-Obama boosterism. Yet even in this self-examination, the pro-Obama bias...

I am getting a little uncomfortable with the increasing tendency of the punditry to believe that Obama the President will be a centrist, unlike Obama the Candidate. The speculation among otherwise rational conservative commentators over how the left wingnuts must be going crazy is overdone....

The Obama administration-in-waiting has devised a plan, still in its infancy in details but well developed in magnitude, to create millions of jobs through public infrastructure projects. Various Democratic leaders talk about a plan ranging from hundreds of billions of dollars to over a trillion.Creating...

In a November 21, 2008 column, NY Times columnist David Brooks made the following statement:"Obama seems to have dispensed with the romantic and failed notion that you need inexperienced “fresh faces” to change things. After all, it was L.B.J. who passed the Civil Rights Act....

"A Sarah Palin Thanksgiving"I thought this story was a joke, when I saw it posted on the Internet, but it is true. The NY Times Editorial Board has posted a blog entry criticising Sarah Palin for conducting a videotaped television interview against the backdrop of...

Pre-Election prediction by one of our nation's most insightful commentators foresaw the devastating effects of an Obama victory, but no one listened:"The stock market will not rebound unless and until it is clear that we have a president-elect who believes in the markets. Someone who...

This headline from my hometown paper, The Providence Journal, says everything you need to know about why Rhode Island has the highest unemployment rate in the nation:"Assembly Considers Making R.I. Attractive To Business"An overwhelming government budget fed by high taxes, a Democratic state legislature beholden...

See my article, A Place Where Only Liberal Speech is Protected, at American Thinker. Thanks to Openmarket for the feature, as well.Watch the video of the Ithaca Common Council debate over the "Community of Sanctuary" resolution, is here....

Great article about the sufferings of Single Young Males:Adding to the bitterness of many SYMs is the feeling that the entire culture is a you-go-girl cheering section. When our guy was a boy, the media prattled on about “girl power,” parents took their daughters to...

Obama has named Gregory B. Craig, Bill Clinton's former lawyer from the impeachment hearings, as White House General Counsel. Craig also succeeded in taking Elion Gonzalez back to Cuba, and represented Kofi Annan in the UN Oil-for-Food scandal.The Obama administration is looking more and...

An Op-Ed in today's Wall Street Journal argues that Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a better alternative to endless bailouts. UPDATE: Here is another view, arguing that Chapter 11 would be a "death knell" for the US auto industry. UPDATE No. 2: Another article arguing in...

Interesting article at American Thinker makes the point that opponents of conservative talk radio do not need the Fairness Doctrine, which Obama has asserted he does not support. Instead, the likely vehicle for restricting conservative talk radio will be the "localism" doctrine, which Obama openly...