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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


A portion in Barack Obama's "historic" speech to the Muslim world was particularly odd. In apologizing for religious intolerance in the United States, Obama said as follows:Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We must always examine the ways...


I didn't know what the term "shorter" meant until I started blogging. A "shorter" is someone who exaggerates someone else's opinion, or creates a false choice between two extremes. Back in the day, such form of argument would be called setting up a "strawman."As others...

Here is a one sentence summary of Barack Obama's "historic" speech to the Muslim world:"I have no right to tell you how to live, because we're as bad as you are, but here's how you need to live."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Three card monte is a scam in which the sucker is led to believe he is following the winning card, when in fact the skillful dealer has distracted the sucker into following the wrong card. The sucker never wins.Right now, everyone's focus is on Obama's...

Depends on what the meaning of "bow" is. Because leaning down to have a medal put over your head is not a bow. How could anyone think otherwise? From LGF:Please note! Barack Obama is absolutely not bowing to King Abdullah! He’s receiving a medal.That is...

The White House explanation for Sonia Sotomayor's 2001 "wise Latina" statement was that Sotomayor used a "poor" choice of words and certainly would "restate" the language. This spin made no sense, as the full text of the 2001 speech made clear that Sotomayor did not...

See HotAir and Michelle Malkin for more examples of "kill Bush" memorabilia. -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Remember Ilan Halimi Phony Outrage Over "Armed And Dangerous" Further Proof Liberal Bloggers Need To Study History Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

In my post yesterday, I noted that Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus wasn't "buying" the Obama administration spin that Sonia Sotomayor made a "poor" choice of words or misspoke in her speech in 2001 when Sotomayor said “I would hope that a wise Latina woman...

Ruth Marcus is a columnist for the Washington Post. By any standard, Marcus is left-of-center, not an Obama-basher, and not hostile to liberal causes. So when Marcus rejects the White House spin on Sonia Sotomayor's "wise Latina" statement, it deserves attention:Nice try, Mr. President, but...

I did it because I'm entitled to burn a jet-load full of fuel, even though:I plan to cap industry's production of carbon emissions regardless of whether it destroys our global competitivenessMy carbon emission caps will cost consumers thousands of dollars per family in higher energy...

“Scott, you said that – or the President said, repeatedly, that Harriet Miers was the best person for the job. So does that mean Alito is sloppy seconds, or what?” CBS News Correspondent, John Roberts, at White House Press Briefing, questioning White House Press Secretary...

Bruce Ackerman, a prominent constitutional law professor at Yale Law School, warned against the tactic of "stealth" Supreme Court nominations, where an ideologically driven President who seeks to change the direction of the Supreme Court nominates a relatively undistinguished appeals court judge whose lack of...

"There are lies, damned lies, and statistics." So it is said. We now have reached stage three of the Sotomayor debate, because we are into statistical analysis of her opinions and dissents.First, some backdrop on statistics as relates to Supreme Court nominees. During the confirmation...

At a 2001 conference, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor uttered these now-famous words: “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”...

Louis Susman of Chicago was nicknamed "the vacuum cleaner" because he was so good at cleaning out the pockets of the wealthy to get them to give to Democratic causes and candidates. As noted on this blog last February, Susman was in line for ambassadorship...

The New York Times has an article today about Sonia Sotomayor's board membership at the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEP) starting in the 1980s until she joined the federal judiciary in 1992. According to the article, Sotomayor was far from a passive...

Barack Obama campaigned on the theme of a new era of transparency. Obama used that theme as a justification for the release of four highly classified internal Justice Department memos detailing strategies for interrogation of al-Qaeda detainees, over the objections of Obama's own Director of...