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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Martha Coakley attended a lobbyist fundraiser in Washington, D.C. last night, at which she received bundled donations from dozens of health care lobbyists and Washington insiders.Coakley, when questioned about the fundraiser, said that it originally was planned as a unity event:"We planned an event after...


This account of Martha Coakley's reaction to Scott Brown's rise in the polls paints Coakley as a mostly clueless politician (emphasis mine):On a private conference call with DNC chair Tim Kaine and top Dem donors this afternoon, Dem Senate candidate Martha Coakley acknowledged that GOPer...

Rasmussen has released the results of its new polling, and it is a shocker: The Massachusetts’ special U.S. Senate election has gotten tighter, but the general dynamics remain the same. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Massachusetts Attorney...

There was a time, before Martha Coakley went on vacation and her political house caught fire, that blogging for Scott Brown was somewhat lonely. The bad old days. Time to bring this one home. (Memeorandum 1-12-2010 5:30 p.m.)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Will Union Members Walk The Plank For...

A campaign theme of Martha Coakley, including television ads which started running yesterday, attacks Scott Brown for supposedly sponsoring a bill to deny medical care to rape victims.In fact, Brown merely proposed a religious exemption which would exempt those with a religious belief against providing...

Scott Brown's Money Bomb yesterday raised over $1.3 million in 24 hours, mostly in small donations. Consistent with his theme that this is the People's seat, not the Kennedy or Democrats' seat, Brown sought support from the people who feel shut out of the political...

"With all due respect. It's not the Kennedy seat, and it's not the Democrats' seat. It's the People's seat."[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Last Saturday I was at the Needham campaign headquarters of Scott Brown, and I filed two reports of what I found. My two reports are here and here. Today I spent an hour at the Wrentham (Brown's hometown) local campaign "office" not far from the Patriots...

Tonight at 7 p.m. is a televised debate in the Massachusetts Senate special election.All three candidates will be participating, since Martha Coakley refuses to debate Scott Brown one-on-one, despite calls from the Boston Globe and others.SEIU and other unions are organizing "visibility" for Coakley supporters...

Scott Brown's Money Bomb is today. The special election is a week from tomorrow.If you've read this blog, you know that there is a chance of victory for Brown if he keeps surging. But he needs money to do that. A Scott Brown victory may...

Democrats of Massachusetts, listen up. The special election is all but over. Martha Coakley has won.No need to show up to vote, since DownWithTyranny has pronounced that all polls showing the race tightening are worthless:Many of the pollsters and pundits predicting a Republican win in...

Obama wins New Hampshire primary in a landslide!That was the prediction of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center and most other pollsters prior to the primary. In fact, Hillary Clinton won the primary, causing much hand wringing. This shows us that we need to...

This should motivate you. This sort of attitude has motivated me for years. From an erudite "reality-based" pundit at Blue Mass:Let's just be obvious about this: Scott Brown has absolutely no business being in the same area code as Martha Coakley. Not to...

This is a follow up to my earlier report on my day at Scott Brown's campaign headquarters in Needham, Massachusetts, in the western suburbs of Boston.My expectations were fairly low. I figured I'd stay an hour or so, talk to some people, get a better...

Also see my update to this post, Brown HQ Report #2---------------------------------------------This is a quick update on my day so far at Scott Brown headquarters. I'll give a more complete report later.Things are totally crazy here. The phones are ringing off the hooks. The phone bank...

Want to know how misinformed and bewildered the American feminist movement is on the state of the Democratic Party?Check out this post at HuffPo by blogger Amy Siskind, calling on Martha Coakley to change her position on backing the health care bill since the bill...

In case you have not heard, the Democrats have come up with a plan to nullify temporarily the Massachusetts voters in the Senate special election on January 19, if Scott Brown wins.As reported by the Boston Herald, interim Senator Paul Kirk is on record that...