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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Almost as if on cue, DailyKos, Steve Benen, Andrew Sullivan, Sam Stein and others are pushing hard on the meme that Republicans are "crazy" and Taliban-like in their ways.The "crazy" findings are based on a poll commissioned by DailyKos using the same pollster which found,...


Mike Allen at Politico created news yesterday, by reporting that Shoe-bomber Richard Reid was read Miranda rights in December 2001. The argument goes that since the Shoe-bomber was given Miranda rights while George Bush was President in December 2001, Obama is insulated from criticism...

An early draft of the Constitution has been found in Philadelphia. Although the handwriting is not perfectly clear, my sources tell me that this is how the Preamble read in this early draft:We the people of the United States, in order to form a more...

Understandably, the raw numbers in Obama's budget -- both deficits and taxes -- are receiving huge attention.There is another aspect which makes the raw numbers even more pernicious. Many of the new tax increases are a function of the taxpayer's overall income, such as caps...

Mission almost accomplished. Fail to the Chief: Even with tax hikes and spending cuts, Mr. Obama's budget foresees a record budget deficit of $1.6 trillion this fiscal year, sliding down to $706 billion in red ink by 2014, only to begin rising again as the...

Raising tax rates on high income earners is the key to the Obama way, both during the campaign and in his latest budget and tax proposals. Taxing the wealthy, or rather, taxing those making over $250k a year, is the gospel according to Obama.Obama is...

Today is the day to print Sitemeter histories, apparently.So here is mine, with a month of January likely never to be repeated. Unless Scott Brown runs for President, or something. I wish I were a better person, and could blog forward even if no one...

In early November 2008, when gay activists were mounting a fundraising boycott of the Democratic National Committee, Barney Frank announced that a provision repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy would be attached to the defense appropriations bill to be voted on in the spring...

Did you hear, Scott (we now all know who he is, no need for last names anymore) "refuses to rule out" running for President in 2012? And he's just been elected to the Senate, OMG, get headline ready:Brown: 'Humbled' by White House Talk, But Doesn’t...

The global warming hysteria is ending the way all hysteria ends, first with a trickle of contrary evidence then with a flood of admissions exposing the underlying fraud.Part of this phenomenon is the classic madness of crowds, epitomized by the Tulipomania in Holland in the...

Paul Krugman is completely clueless.I'm watching him now on Sunday Morning with Barbara Walters. Krugman bemoans the fact that in our democracy, unlike in western Europe, the House cap-and-trade and health care bills already would be law. Krugman blames it all on that messy thing...

This is the latest in the Saturday Night Card Game series on the use of the race card for political gain:Tonight's post proves that the use of the race card does not stop at our shores, and does not depend upon the race of the...

Please, Mr. Krugman, stop all the name calling directed at our President and those who work for him, Cossack Rahm Works For The Czar:But don’t blame Rahm Emanuel; this is about the president. After Massachusetts, Democrats were looking for leadership; they didn’t get it. Ten...

The conspiracy to undermine the Constitution has taken an interesting turn.A career prosecutor at the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) has determined that John Yoo and Jay Bybee did not violate their professional obligations in analyzing whether certain enhanced interrogation techniques constituted unlawful...

When the Obama administration announced in November its intention to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and several other 9/11 plotters on trial in a civilian court in downtown Manhattan, the decision was met with derision on the right.There were two parts to that decision which were...

Do you even need to read this story to get the picture? Just look at the photo. The only thing missing is the cable spool table.Ladies, care to comment?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Why the sudden slew of attacks on the Supreme Court, specifically Justices Alito and Roberts, by leading Democrats?The decision in the Citizens United case, which struck down on First Amendment grounds some legislative restrictions on campaign speech by corporations, is the excuse but not the...