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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Those are not my words. Those are the words of Democratic Rhode Island General Treasurer, and candidate for Governor, Frank Caprio. As reported by The Providence Journal:Within a year, the taxpayer cost of providing public employee pensions will increase again — and substantially —...


I'll admit it, I was wrong about The Daily Caller when I called it a failure several months ago.In the past months The Daily Caller has done a good job on a variety of issues, particularly exposing the Journolist, a group of liberal mainstream media...

Jon Ralston, a Nevada journalist, has announced the death of Sharron Angle's campaign.Do not believe it. Not for a second.I don't know Ralston, other than watching him interview Angle and Harry Reid. My impression is that he is very keyed into Nevada politics, but he...

Chalk this one up to the category of jobs destroyed by Obama (emphasis mine):The Obama administration’s push to accelerate General Motors Co. and Chrysler Group LLC dealership closings, aimed at helping the companies compete, may not have been necessary and added to unemployment, a U.S....

Harry Reid, having brought you the Stimulus Plan and Obamacare, now is set to push cap-and-trade legislation before Congress goes into recess: Senate and House Democrats are headed for a clash this week over funding for U.S. troops in Afghanistan, as Senate Majority Leader Harry...

My, my, how the Democratic Party -- or at least certain "elements" -- could be portrayed as racist if Think Progress cut and pasted some of this material the way it does to the Tea Party movement:[][][]Think Progress has such great researchers, I'm sure they'll...

If you were voting:Should Elena Kagan be confirmed?YesNo, but Republicans should NOT filibusterNo, and Republicans should filibuster free polls--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

We really do need wealthy people, after all. Wealthy Reduce Buying in a Blow to the Recovery:The economic recovery has been helped in large part by the spending of the most affluent. Now, even the rich appear to be tightening their belts.Late last year, the...

There were two important developments recently in the continued unraveling of the Obamacare public relations BS.First, the Obama administration cemented its legal position that the health care mandate is a tax, which means that Obama is raising taxes on people making less than $250,000 a...

I've been in Los Angeles for the past couple of days at a conference, and had the pleasure of having dinner at The Grill on the Alley in Beverly Hills.The Grill is a really good steak and seafood house, and the meal was excellent.  Fortunately,...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:I have a dream.That the week will arrive when the race card will not have been played. And I will have nothing about which to write on a Saturday...

I haven't posted previously on the New Black Panther group voter intimidation controversy. There have been plenty of other things to cover.The issue is significant not so much because two guys stood in front of a polling station with night sticks -- that would be...

Once again, someone is using the username "Legal Insurrection" to post comments elsewhere, this time at FoxNation. For the record, that person is not me, and is not authorized to use the name "Legal Insurrection."The last time, it was as HuffPo, and I convinced...

The New York Times, July 14, 2010:There are plenty of things to buy in Gaza; goods are brought over the border or smuggled through the tunnels with Egypt. That is not the problem. In fact, talk about food and people here get angry because it...

Sharron Angle will not be able to match Harry Reid in fundraising, because Reid has used his position as Majority Leader to squeeze big dollars out of Big Pharma and Big Mass Tort Lawyers and all the other Bigs.Reid's campaign pockets are so full of...

It really is frustrating to hear Obama administration officials tout 3 million jobs saved or created.How many of those jobs did several miles of sidewalks in Warren, Rhode Island, save or create?Now that the project is over, the jobs are gone. But you still count...

I am not someone who tries to keep track of how many of my predictions have come true. That sort of gamesmanship by hindsight is beneath me.And I don't try to settle scores with people who criticize me. That would be petty.So it...