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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In late October 2008, shortly before the election, I wrote an article for American Thinker titled It's 3 a.m. and the Prime Minister of Israel is Calling.The title of my article was a play on Hillary Clinton's 3 a.m. campaign ad, which suggested that Obama...


Marc Ambinder and Steve Benen have it all figured out. The lawsuits challenging the health care mandate obviously are frivolous because the Complaints filed do not contain any case authority supporting the claims.Gotcha! Those dumb Republican lawyers obviously don't know what they're doing! They have...

(Image via Voting Female)Title translation here.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

The connection between health insurance and death rates is, at best, tenuous.Ruth Marcus, in The Washington Post, pointed out yesterday that studies are not in agreement on the subject, leading Marcus to conclude as to Obamacare: "Gee, I hope this works out."But that has not...

From a CBS News poll released today, a clear majority of Americans want Republicans to keep fighting Obamacare:All the euphoria and giddiness from the Democrats and nutroots should not deter us from fighting this monstrosity, this abysmal, stunted, grotesque, freakish, ...

Jackson Diehl in The Washington Post: Netanyahu is being treated as if he were an unsavory Third World dictator,needed for strategic reasons but conspicuously held at arms length.Wrong. Unsavory Third World dictators are not treated this poorly by Obama:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Israel Is The New HondurasObama Throws...

I told you this was coming. Increasingly, those who think Israel is to blame for the lack of peace in the Middle East, and who view pushing Israel back to barely defensible borders as the answer, have been pushing hard the meme that Israel is...

It always has been about control, not health care.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

In my post yesterday regarding the health care mandate, I suggested that if the courts held that the health care mandate were constitutional, then the Congress would have the power to declare weekly Blue Light Mandates.Given the potentially sweeping Congressional power to impose mandates, I...

The mandate is front and center in the constitutional challenges to Obamacare's requirement that everyone purchase health insurance or suffer penalties.I've been posting about the mandate since last summer, since the mandate for the first time punishes and taxes the failure to engage in economic...

Kirsten Gillibrand should be toast in November, if only the Republicans could find someone with some decent name recognition and background to run against her. There simply is nothing remarkable about Gillibrand, and other than the support of Chuck Schumer, there is no reason Gillibrand...

Mahamed El-Erian is the well-regarded CEO of PIMCO, which manages investments for client accounts and is one of the world's largest bond investors. In a tweet not long ago, El-Erian posted his outlook for our economy:This outlook puts us squarely on the European track, as...

Some more thoughts on the worst piece of legislation "since the Great Depression," in no particular order:Democrats won the messaging war. Democrats succeeded in portraying the bill as being about "giving" people "health care." Even Republicans used the terminology. In fact, everyone has hospital care...

At first, I thought this was a hoax, so I held off posting. But apparently it is for real, University of Ottawa's letter to Ann Coulter. I am reprinting it in full, because it is a paradigm of intolerance of opposing conservative viewpoints under...

Last night was bad. The law passed by the Senate and House really is that horrible.But it's the morning after, and your mourning should be over.The mainstream media and the nutroots will try to demoralize you, and there will be plenty of gloat to go...

David Frum knows who is to blame for what appears to be an Obamacare victory: Conservatives who refused to negotiate with Democrats even though Frum admits he has no idea if such negotiations would have resulted in a better bill.I do know. The bill which...