Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2573
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The website The Blaze has obtained audio of a union organizer presently or recently working for SEIU divulging a plan to collapse the banking system:A partial transcript is here.The interesting thing is that The Blaze received critical acclaim from the left for its assertion that...


Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) was facing a tough reelection campaign to start.Now, with the revelation that she owes almost $300,000 in back property taxes on an airplane she owns, I doubt she will be showing this advertisement from an earlier campaign (h/t Taegen Goddard via Ben...

.... for the attacks on Libya sounds an awful lot like his explanation of why the health care mandate is constitutional.Just as the Obama administration tied the decision of an individual not to purchase health care insurance, through a series of connections and chains of causation, to...

In the past two weeks or so, everyone has been discussing the tragedy in Japan. In addition to the death toll, news headlines have been relentlessly speculating the impact of the Fukushima reactors. Matthew Shaffer's latest piece in NRO helps amalgamate some of the...

Doesn't sound quite as catchy as "Don't Bush Whack Iraq" as in one of the bumper stickers below.Any suggested bumper stickers for Obama and Libya?Thanks to reader Jeff who took this photo this weekend in Longmont, Colorado, and who assures me he was at a...

Via JSOnline (emphasis mine):The Committee to Elect a Republican Senate (CERS), the main campaign committee for Senate Republicans, is trying to raise money for the eight Republicans who face a recall."We are in the midst of a crucial time," a fund-raising letter says. "CERS is waging...

Marizela Perez remains missing.  A website has been created with the latest information, http://findmarizela.com/.As reported by Marizela's cousin, Michelle Malkin:Readers, we can’t thank you enough for your support of our family’s search for Marizela Perez. It has now been 16 days since she disappeared from...

Veronique de Rugy's research has, once again, proven pouty liberals wrong. "Myth: The hedge fund industry’s tendency to take excessive risks, combined with a lack of regulation, was an important cause of the financial crisis.Fact: Not only did hedge funds not precipitate the financial crisis,...

The polls have tended to show that Democrats in Wisconsin are in a much stronger position than last fall as a result of the budget repair bill controversy.I've wondered whether voters minds really could have changed that quickly, and whether union intimidation tactics really have worked. ...

Thanks to reader Chris from Sparks, Nevada, who spotted this almost completely removed Obama-Biden bumper sticker over a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker.  All that remained was part of the Obama logo and Biden's name.Yet another failed attempt to erase a mistake.Nice try.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The...

Ann Althouse, in response to her spouse Meade being banned at Lawyers Guns & Money blog, writes Candyass move of all time: Lawyers Guns & Money bans Meade!:The little professor Robert Farley couldn't face the challenge Meade made to his (truly lame) post "On Libya" (which...

With that single sentence made to her Israeli hosts, Sarah Palin demonstrated a greater understanding of the problems confronting Israel than the collective wisdom of all the J.D.'s, Ph.D's, and Masters of International Affairs in the Obama administration combined.The question was profound, as simple as it were, because it addressed the narrative of...

A few weeks ago I posted a video of anti-Israel activists from the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement who targeted Aroma Cafe, an Israeli coffee shop chain, as they do a wide range of Israeli-related products and companies.Their thing is to create flashmobs, where they start...

Thanks to my friend Mike for a referring me to a really fascinating article on South Carolina. I really don't like playing the "who in 2012" game, since -- in my opinion -- it is way too far out to tell. However, this article did...

Among the ironies of the intervention in Libya is that those who most bitterly complain about the Israel Lobby were in fact part of a Libya Lobby, as pointed out by David Bernstein earlier this month:As regular readers know, I’ve been highly critical of Professor Stephen Walt...

Watching the Sunday morning shows is interesting for the first time in years, if only to see John Kerry and others who have bashed Bush for years spin like out of control tops to justify intervention in Libya on humanitarian grounds.No end game? No problem,...