Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2559
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Under pressure from groups opposed to the Defense of Marriage Act, the large Atlanta law firm King & Spalding is seeking to withdraw from representation.  In a transparently phony excuse, the head of the firm blames an improper "vetting" process, when everyone in the world...


A new website established by John Hawkins and Doug Ross, is just what you need to make sure you do not get ANY work done.It describes itself as follows:  "an automated news service that monitors social networks for the most popular conservative news."--------------------------------------------Follow me on...

ScotusBlog is reporting that the U.S. Supreme Court, without any dissents noted, has passed on the application of the State of Virginia for expedited review of the case now on appeal to the 4th Circuit.  The District Court in Virginia had ruled the health care mandate...

As you know, I'm not a fan of Politico's news operation.  Today's feature article, Mission for anti-Palin movement: Expose her, is a prime example of how the MSM will go after Republican candidates or potential candidates.Under the guise of reporting on the anti-Palin movement, Politico...

I wondered last week why the Iranian Defense Ministry was becoming more vocal in its criticism of Siemens for supposedly helping Israel and the West with the Stuxnet virus which has infected Iran's nuclear program.This may be the reason, as detailed by the Jerusalem Post:Iran has been...

Spotted by a reader in Roslyn (Long Island), NY:"Spread my work ethic, not my wealth!"--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Or is it drivel?Other caption suggestions welcomed.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Media Matters: Egypt Erupts, So Let's Blame ...

Back in November, Sarah Palin delivered a sharp criticism of Fed monetary policy, as reported by The Wall Street Journal:Sarah Palin, delving into a major policy issue a week after the mid-term elections, took aim Monday at the Federal Reserve and called on Fed chairman...

The age of Obama is the age of envy and jealousy couched as fairness.  As I have documented many times, Obama's political strategy during and after the 2008 campaign has been to appeal to envy and jealousy directed towards the Top 2% or 5%, depending upon the...

Imagine my surprise to see this vehicle with Virginia plates in Ithaca.  From the decal, my guess is this belongs to the parents of a Cornell Engineering student.I met the owners, who were quite happy to have me photograph the bumper stickers:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers -...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:This is a follow up to two prior posts on the attempt by the mainstream media and left-blogosphere to frame the issue of Obama's constitutional qualification to be President as rooted...

KathleenThe Hill gave a shot at clarifying the facts behind the partisan rhetoric surrounding the rise in gas prices. I take issue, though, with the heavy reliance the author puts on the Energy Information Agency for his "nonpartisan" numbers. His numbers don't include oil shale...

Wonkette didn't start it.  And hasn't even been the most high profile voice (although perhaps the most crude).It has been there since the moment Sarah Palin was nominated for V.P., in the "high-end" liberal websites not just the bowels of the internet.Here is James Taranto...

On February 15, 2011, I dissected the lawsuit filed by Shirley Sherrod against Andrew Breitbart and Lawrence O'Connor, for defamation and other claims arising out of the release of Sherrod's speech to the NAACP about her experiences with a white farmer.In my analysis, I noted...

This buffet of bumper stickers was seen in Roanoke, VA, has some seen here before (Coexist, Bake Sale) and some new ones:Thanks to reader Tim for the photo.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

It really isn't easy or breezy, but stuff like this helps:President Obama declared today's 41st annual Earth Day proof of America's ecological and conservation spirit—then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a cost...

Perhaps this is why Obama was so annoyed when a local Texas reporter asked Obama why he was so unpopular in Texas, found on a car in Austin bearing various liberal bumper stickers:If Obama is losing the Austin crowd, how long before the base turns on...