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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


A gunman has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel headquarters.  According to reliable reports, the guy is an environmental activist motivated by fears for the planet, and spouting rhetoric about how the planet doesn't need people.Guess what it is I will not do?(Hint - rub...


The much ballyhooed mini-Stimulus passed in August to help avoid teacher layoffs already was in trouble because many school districts were sitting on the money rather than hiring teachers.Now the Republican Governor of Rhode Island, Donald Carcieri, has gone one step further, using the funds to...

'nuff said.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

Yes!  Finally an ad from Sharron Angle hoisting Harry Reid's "extremist" campaign by its own petard.The Vaporizer must be "extremely" upset.[youtube=](h/t @MattKLewis)Update: Nevada Journalists Defend Angle Against Unfair Attack--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Harry Reid Campaign Stuck On CrazyWhy Is Harry Reid's Campaign Spokesman Following Me? Follow me on Twitter,...

Media Matters wants to prove that is can take on Fox News.  Media Matters wants to run an advertisement on Fox News criticizing the parent of Fox News for donating $1 million to the Republican Governors Association.  Politico has the background.Here is the ad, after some...

...Who's this guy saying nice things about Bush on our Iraq success bashing Bush over our economic failure?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's McChrystal Dilemma In One SentenceObama's Gulf Speech In One SentenceJewish History In One Sentence Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Trust me, I'm not counting my chickens before they have come home to roost.  But it is enjoyable to read the distraught comments from those trying to run away from the wave.The "wave" is the most recent Gallup poll showing a 10 point generic ballot...

Nevada journalist and talk show host John Ralston is trolling for Harry Reid.  Ralston published an article in The Las Vegas Sun on Sunday titled Angle in 2005: I would have voted “no” on Katrina relief funds.The article is based on a tape given to Ralston...

The headline of the day at CNN is TRENDING: Clear majority says Palin not qualified to be president (emphasis mine):Two days after Sarah Palin fired up a large crowd at Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally in Washington, a newly released survey suggests a clear majority of...

Some vehicles were torched at the building site for a Mosque in Tennessee.From Glenn Greenwald on down, the incident has been declared to be another act of anti-Muslim bigotry inspired by the Corboda mosque controversy, similar to the (now-debunked) Cabbie Stabbing.They may be right.  Or...

Obama was interviewed by Brian Williams yesterday.  Once again, Obama exhibited the sort of disdain towards a substantial portion of the population as he did in his bitter clinger comments back in 2008.You will remember that at a private cocktail party in April 2008 in...

For the first time in my adult life, I am really worried.“The leader of the free world can’t figure out how to get the umbrella on the other side.” (@RoseDanna)(Photo and quote via Tammy Bruce)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Neuroscientist Paralyzed By LoveCaption This Arkansas Primary Result in 28...

They don't understand what is happening.  Don't tell them:For a year and a half, we've seen rallies and town-hall shouting and attack ads and Fox News special reports. But I still haven't the foggiest idea what these folks actually want, other than to see like-minded...

According to Dave Neiwert, Eliminationist theorist in chief, when he looked at the crowd at the Restoring Honor rally, he was sure the next Timothy McVeigh was out there:Well, Glenn Beck's eyes certainly weren't dry. He started weeping while telling the crowd that somewhere out...

Obama still is on vacation.  Goodly for him.When do we get a vacation from the Democrats' relentless expansion of the federal government into every facet of our lives?The massive pieces of legislation passed in the past 18 months were just the opening shots.  Now come...

I thought Oregon was going to be hard to beat, but Minnesota has taken up the challenge:-------------------------------------------- Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...