Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2553
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Based on reports from inside Judge Sumi's courtroom, it appears that she has issued an expanded TRO ruling that the budget bill is not in effect and was not "published" as required, and enjoins further implementation.Correction: Per local news reporter, initial reports that Judge found...


it has oh-so many holes. Find out how to circumvent The New York Times’s pretend pay wall (then subscribe to a good newspaper, won't you?). - KM--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I don't understand why aspiring political cartoonist Mark Smith doesn't have a syndication yet.This is another one of his brilliant cartoons:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Kathleen McCaffrey ---Anne Applebaum, one of my favorite writers, posted a really fascinating article in Slate last night. Applebaum explores the motives of Sarkozy's Libya campaign:The man who introduced Sarkozy to the Benghazi rebels is none other than Bernard-Henri Lévy, a pop philosopher so French...

Notice how Democrats have been talking lately about how Republicans in Congress are held hostage by Tea Party-backed new members?  And how for years Democrats have made sure to use the term "extremist" when referring to Tea Parties?It's a pre-planned line of attack by the...

I have suggested long ago and again that Mitt Romney's best strategy on Romneycare simply would be to admit it was a mistake, even though honest and serious distinctions could be drawn between Obamacare and Romneycare.  He has not done that, and the political wound...

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has posted on his website an Op-Ed The NY Times declined to run. (h/t JSOnline):"In nearly every state across America, Governors are facing major budget deficits. Many, Democrat and Republican alike, are cutting state aid to schools and other local governments...

Court proceedings in Madison before Judge Maryann Sumi center on whether the budget repair bill has become law.  This is, as I posted before, a sideshow unnecessarily created by a TRO which interfered in the legislative process.I'll be posting updates about the court proceedings in...

I previously have highlighted the dire finances of the City of Providence, which issued termination notices to all teachers in the school district as a precautionary measure.But please don't think teacher salaries and benefits are the only problem.  GoLocal Prov (h/t Hummel Report) has published...

In TaxProf's rankings of law professor blogs for the 12 months ending December 31, 2010, based on page views and visits, as calculated by publically available Sitemeters.  (Footnote, we really should be no. 5, but Instapundit not longer has a public Sitemeter, so it no...

...."Did you say Iran, sorry I didn't hear you, what was that, we can't dictate the terms of change for others, except when we do, and did, but only with a coalition, My Fellow Americans, Bush bad in Iraq, me good in Libya, because I...

If it keeps him on the straight and narrow, good for him.http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1(The bride to be gets to meet Gov. Linc Chaffee and Congressman David Cicilline.)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Guess what?  The Legislative Reference Bureau published the Wisconsin budget repair bill Friday, and as the law provides, the Governor is taking the position the law is in effect.And he's stopped withholding union dues as of today, even though there are more court hearings tomorrow. ...

It may be my first memory of an album (image right), played when I was a child at my aunt and uncle's house in the mid-60s.I always thought the woman on the cover was the "north country girl" of the song with that title.She's died, and...

The Obama administration declined to use military force in Libya until obtaining the authorization of the U.N. Security Council.  Put aside for now whether such authorization was necessary and whether U.S. Congressional authorization also was needed.The U.S. and coalition offensive military action clearly exceeds the mandate...

In no particular order:Meghan McCain proves she is a fool who will do anything, including publish falsehoods about me, to get attention. (Okay, not this weekend, but still a point.)Anyone who is against D.C. statehood hates blacks and gays.Media Matters proves that what we always...