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We have seen this movie before. A contrived crisis causes a rush to a vote before any legislator or the public has time to read and understand a bill which will have a profound effect on the nation for years if not decades. That’s what...

From our friends Down Under at The Catallaxy Files, reports of Tea Party Derangement Syndrome, He believes it but does anyone else? (emphasis mine): WAYNE Swan has blamed the conservative Tea Party movement in the US for damaging the global economy and contributing to the...

Obama has bad intentions, according to Charles Krauthammer. News flash! Sure, it’s a mess right now. But maybe a mess is what we needed to get this party in shape. It’s a risky tactic Obama is taking, one which might just as easily backfire, as...

In the immortal words of Speaker John Boehner (via the New York Times): “God only knows” how Washington is going to get control of its finances. Unlikely as it seems, there may have been more feckless Speakers of the House than John Boehner.  But if...

Fiscal cliff? Well that last one might have the post office stumped. A failure to reach a compromise this year just might have big implications for the struggling United States Postal Service. It’s possible that the nearly $20 billion in savings could be part of...

The Muslim Brotherhood and its allies having pushed through a draft Constitution which, according to the opposition, tramples the rights of non-Islamists, and fails to protect civil liberties and women, left the opposition in a bind. The drafting of a new Constitution relied on good faith...

Peter Ferrara at Forbes, Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts, examines the propaganda perpetrated for a decade by the media and Democrats about the Bush tax cuts: Because so many major media institutions, like the New York Times and the Washington Post,...

Suffering through the top story in the arts section of yesterday’s Los Angeles Times, I thought of Andrew Breitbart, whom I knew a bit—enough to have had several conversations about how insidiously destructive the mainstream media are to American ideals. Breitbart’s passion and mission in...

Ehud Barak, Israel’s current Defense Minister, announced he is retiring from politics. The Times of Israel provides this brief bio: Born on a kibbutz in 1942, Barak was central to the early successes of the IDF’s most elite commando unit, Sayeret Matkal, and is the...

Every year, young Jews from all over the world show up in Israel and volunteer to join the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).  Called “lone soldiers,” they commit to the same enlistment mandated for most Israelis, male and female, and decades more of reserve duty.  As...

I don’t read Ross Douthat, the “conservative” columnist at The NY Times, much.  Via the recommendation of Jim Hoft, however, this column is worth reading, The Liberal Gloat (emphasis mine):  … Liberals look at the Obama majority and see a coalition bound together by enlightened values —...

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, After Election 2012: WWBD — What Would Breitbart Do? Everything that Andrew predicted in my film, Hating Breitbart, played out in real-time during the election right before our eyes.  From Candy Crowley interrupting and taking Obama’s side in the...