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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


banning signage on trucks other than the name and logo of the company, although waivers will be issued to companies whose executives donate to Obama which can demonstrate hardship, in the discretion of the Secretary of Transportation? Thanks to Michael from Constant Conservative who took this photo...


The debate between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich is scheduled for 90 minutes starting at 8 p.m. Eastern.  We will have an embed if available, or you can open a separate window for The Right Scoop or C-SPAN. To comment in the live feed please register...

Newt and Cain Debate at 8, and there are both many ways this could have happened and many ways this debate could go.  Below, I outline a number of possibilities.  Not that many people will watch this, but many opinion leaders will, and soundbites will...

HillaryIs44 has a good post on the Obama-lovin' media and how it covers for Obama's campaign dirty tricks. The post is in response to this statement by Ben Smith at Politico: If the catchphrase weren’t already taken, you could call Barack Obama’s signature style of negative politics...

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich are having a Lincoln-Douglas style debate tonight in Texas, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll be doing a live blog for it, and I'll try to embed the C-Span live coverage, if that is possible (I don't think it's possible, so...

That Memeorandum algorithm is smart, really smart.  It not only finds the blog posts and stories which drive the debate, it also pulls a snippet of text from the post so readers get a sense of what's really important in the story. And in the case...

After spending a week portraying Herman Cain as a sexual predator, allegations which so far have resulted in NO FACTS sustantiating the innuendo, Politico now wants to be fair and balanced and tell us that Cain actually led industry efforts to fight sexual harassment, Under...

As you know, next week is a crucial vote on Referendum No. 2 in Ohio, which needs to pass in order to put the collective bargaining reform bill into effect.  Polling does not look good.  There also is another referendum on education reform. Thanks to a...

I really don't want this to turn into one of those foul-mouthed blogs, but this is pushing me to the limit: Asked if the country’s consistently high unemployment rate made him vulnerable in the upcoming 2012 election, Obama insisted “the least of my concerns at the...

The woman who accused Herman Cain of something and got a check from the National Restaurant Association is refusing to provide any details of her complaint even though the NRA released her from her confidentiality agreement. I repeat.  The woman will not provide any facts or...

That's the word I'm hearing.  Even though the National Restaurant Association was willing to waive the confidentiality agreement. Updates:  CNN reports: Joel Bennett, the attorney for one the women who has accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment, said Friday that his client "made a complaint in good...

So many are calling Cain a liar or worse for not remembering a second settlement with a woman whom he allegedly "sexually harassed."  How could he not know of a settlement? Details are dribbling out which support the conclusion that Cain was not involved and would...

My friend Zach linked to this amazing article this morning: The Shadow Superpower. In many countries -- particularly in the developing world -- System D [the black market] is growing faster than any other part of the economy, and it is an increasing force in world trade. But...

One of the accusers against Herman Cain apparently has requested that she be relieved of the confidentiality agreement she entered into with the National Restaurant Association to the extent of releasing a statement setting forth her version of what happened over a decade ago, but not...

From an op-ed in The Washington Times by Wesley Pruden, Herman Cain and innuendos: This was once a serious country with serious newspapers, back in the day when they were edited by serious editors and a man had the right to confront an accuser before she...