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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Back in June I posted about how RI Gov. Linc Chafee was refusing to turn Jason Wayne Pleau over to the feds because Pleau potentially was subject to the death penalty in connection with a murder committed on the steps of a federal bank.  The feds never indicated...


This is a follow up to the post yesterday featureing the Nobaama Arizona license plate spotted in Peoria, AZ. Thanks to reader Caroll who spotted this collection in Tucson: ...

Via Media Bistro: FNC’s Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry got the first question at today’s joint news conference between Pres. Obama and Lee Myung-Bak, President of South Korea. Henry asked the president about the alleged Iranian terror plot, and used a quote from GOP presidential...

There have been some highly publicized anti-Semitic outbursts at the Occupy Wall Street protests, as well as claims of anti-Semitism lodged against the organizing group, AdBusters. So now some progressive Jews have formed an Occupy Judaism movement presumably to deflect from the criticism and to mainstream Jewish...

Via Charlie Sykes, here are some of them, click to the link for all of them: Never acknowledge conservative victories as legitimate. Rely on Dane County judges whenever possible. Elections only matter if liberals win. Private businesses, families, personal lives are all fair game. Get the Mainstream...

Obama raised $42 million for his campaign in the third quarter, plus another $27.3 million for the DNC.  Naturally, the top line $70 million joint number is being hyped. These numbers come from an Obama campaign statement, the official FEC report has not yet been released,...

Florida Governor Rick Scott is proposing refocusing funding away from liberal arts programs at state universities and colleges, which has various groups accusing Scott of being anti-anthropology, or something like that.  Instapundit has the story and lots of reader comments. Let me suggest that Scott is not...

just wait until Eric Holder gets a look at this bumper sticker and license plate. Thanks to reader Donald, who spotted this in Peoria, Arizona, and writes: Here's a license plate that is probably illegal in every state except Arizona...

Looking at all the non-Romney candidates last night, I kept thinking, "Miss her yet?"  (Note:  If someone could do the graphic, I'd love to post it.) Particularly after this question and answer: TUMULTY: Congressman Gingrich -- Speaker Gingrich, Medicare is going broke.  Consider the fact that half of...

The more I see Rick Perry in action the more I like him, but the more I get the feeling that he's not up to the task of defeating Romney, much less Obama.  I'm not writing him off, at all, but he has to play...

In the car much of the morning, so the blog belongs to you! (I think I just made a big mistake.) Update 12:45 p.m.:  Party over, I'm back....

October 12, 2008, a day which shall live in infamy. The day of the first post at this thing called a blog which some guy decided to call Legal Insurrection: Obama is “Door  No. 2″ It seemed like a good idea at the time. Three years later the scorecard shows over 9,750,000...

some change? Thanks to reader and frequent photographer Linda, who spotted this near Nashville, TN: ...

Differing impressions of tonight's Republican debate in New Hampshire: According to Mitt Romney: Tonight's the night that the lights went out in Texas According to Rick Perry: And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive According to Herman Cain: Let me entertain you, let me make you smile According to Michele Bachmann: I am the tax...

The New Hampshire debate starts at 8 p.m. Eastern. I'll try to embed the live feed, since it's not on national television.  Here the link to the live broadcast (not able to find embed yet). You can partipate in the discussion in the Cover-It Live box...

An Israeli soldier who has been in prison in Gaza for 5 years without so much as a visit by the Red Cross. Apparently a deal has been reached for his release. The terms are not yet known, but the Israeli cabinet is voting on it tonight (Israel...