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Not Tea Partiers, gun nuts, wingnuts, NASCAR dads and moms, or bitter clingers. Not loony-lefties, nutroots, socialist revolutionaries, or Kos-sacks. No, there is a gathering crowd with a thirst for revenge, who will not be satisfied unless and until we get on the Supreme Court…....

Phew: We’d heard the former governor actually dated Kagan when they were students at Harvard, but a spokeswoman for Spitzer denied any love connection. “They have been good friends since 1977 — when they were college freshmen. They never dated,” said Spitzer’s rep. Not that...

In the company of Obama supporters, it’s called “inventing” oneself: Look at how much Barack Obama had to figure out. I mean, he’s born who he is, he can look in the mirror; but it must have been extraordinarily confusing to have this father who...

The NY Times ran an article yesterday about the growth of unpaid internships, Growth of Unpaid Internships May Be Illegal, Officials Say: With job openings scarce for young people, the number of unpaid internships has climbed in recent years, leading federal and state regulators to...

Barack Obama’s insistence that Israel cease all building in Jewish neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, calling such neighborhoods “settlements,” raises an interesting question. Who are the settlers in Jerusalem? A good example of the lack of clarity over Palestinian claims to Jerusalem is found in prominent...

Three students have committed suicide on the Cornell campus recently, including two last week, by jumping from bridges over the numerous gorges which run through campus. The mood is somber. We need to do a better job helping students keep life in perspective. We place...

The transparency President is now the President who feels your pain. According to the NY Times, in the State of the Union address Obama will unveil some highly targeted tax credits aimed at families, and some caps on student loan repayments: By focusing on what...

This will be my last post of the year, barring some high-profile conservative taking ill and being rushed to the hospital in which Barack Obama was not born just before he was born in that other hospital in the state where Rush Limbaugh is resting...

My home state of Rhode Island is quirky place. We still celebrate Victory Over Japan Day in August, although the name was changed to VJ Day and then to Victory Day, in a nod to political correctness. Now there is a move afoot to change...

I cannot comment on this diagnosis of clinical narcissism, since I only took Intro to Psychology in college, although I have commented on certain non-clinical aspects of the Won’s persona. But the author of the diagnosis in question poses a further question, so I’ll raise...

When I first started this blog just under a year ago, I was ignorant of who was who in the blogosphere. Believe it or not, Memeorandum is not the world. But I did know about Little Green Footballs. I’m not sure why. Over the months,...

With the politics which seems to dominate all our lives, it is easy to lose sight of what matters most. This afternoon the Cornell University community lost one of our undergraduate students to swine flu. As the father of three college-age students, my heart goes...

The media and left-wing blogosphere are in a tizzy because Virginia Republican candidate for Governor Robert F. McDonnell took negative positions on gay-rights and other topics in a university thesis 20 years ago. McDonnell now disavows those views, saying his views have changed over time,...

Gary Margolis, Executive Director of College Mental Health Services and Associate Professor in the English Department at Middlebury College in Vermont was moved to pen a poem in support of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The poem was titled “Ajar” and was published at the Boston...

I have not devoted much attention to the Barack Obama “Birth Certificate” conspiracy theories, because I have been bogged down debunking so many other conspiracy theories, like Andrew Sullivan’s Trig Palin birth conspiracy theory and the recent theory that the Bush administration “concealed” evidence as...