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My initial reaction last night was that Rick Perry did not have a good night. My reaction this morning is that he had a disastrous night, possibly ending his chances of getting the nomination unless he gets his act together real soon.  I say “possibly” because...

… something nice to wake up to on a Sunday morning. Sent by reader Linda from Tennessee: [Note: Text corrected, photo not taken on I-24]

One of the greatest mistakes we make is to confuse academic credentials with leadership. Barack Obama, who guards his transcripts like they’re the equivalent of the formula to Coke, presumably had very good grades at Harvard Law School because he graduated with high honors, a purely grade-based...

This is the latest in a serieson the use of the race card for political gain: Democrats in South Carolina are angry (h/t Instapundit) that Gov. Nikki Haley checked the box “white” on a voter registration card a decade ago: The South Carolina Democratic Party...

In my post yesterday about the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturning Judge Sumi, I opined: This is a sweeping victory for Republicans and Gov. Scott Walker. (And for my prior legal anaylsis, but that’s another matter. I’ll be spiking the football, for sure.) …. Okay, analysis done, now...

In the continuing saga, in which Palin is being savaged and mocked, please listen to this NPR interview with Robert Allison, a professor and historian at Suffolk University, in which Allison argues that while Palin may have had some details wrong, she mostly was correct about Paul Revere’s...

(By Michael Alan) Earlier this week, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told CNN that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is dealing with “a personal matter.” That “personal matter” includes not knowing “with certitude” whether or not the, er, picture that was tweeted to a 21 year old...

Kathleen Commencement season is upon us, which means that insipid celebrities of all flavors will bestow their opinions upon a new generation of bright-eyed college grads. Notable was former President Bill Clinton. His prose at the NYU graduation read like so: “today’s business schools are...

Kathleen I’ve written before about how higher education is the next bubble, and I’m glad that Mark Schneider of AIR has done some research on behalf of AEI to really hit the nail on the head. Here are your talking points, folks: average lifetime earnings...

Kathleen Today is Slope Day, a Cornell tradition on the last day of classes. A few thousand members of the Cornell community gather on our enormous slope that separates the West Campus from the Arts Quad to listen to music and, well, drink. I’m sure...

Kathleen “[The] University of Nebraska-Lincoln is proposing a new tuition structure to allow it to charge engineering students significantly more for a bachelor’s degree than it charges English majors. … According to research by Glen Nelson, senior vice president of finance and administration for the...

Kathleen Brian Bolduc of National Review has an excellent Op Ed in The Crimson today detailing the “facts of life” after Harvard: “College is a holiday from history, during which you have few real responsibilities—that is, the kind you can’t talk your way out of....