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Our website is a focus of an article on the pushback against Critical Race Theory. The word "insurrection" in Legal Insurrection apparently left a professor at Florida State shaking in her boots. We've used our name since October 2008. Most people chuckle. We make no apologies for our oxymoron.

The Gibsons have collected the over $36 million owed them. Sadly, David Gibson and "Grandpa" Allyn Gibson did not live to see this day. By stretching out the appeals Oberlin College waited them out, but the rest of the family survives. We wish the Gibson family well.

Lorna Gibson, wife of the late David Gibson, and trial attorneys Lee Plakas and Owen Rarric reveal new details about what it was like to fight the "billion dollar bully" and win, and the emotional and physical toll it took: "It's bittersweet ... My husband did not see the end, my father-in-law did not either."

UCLA's pro-CRT map has money and institutional power behind it. Our maps have none of that, just lots of inconvenient facts: "What our database has turned into over time is more than a parent tool. It's really a documentation of, in many ways, the demise of higher education under this ideology, which has a quasi-religious fervor to it on campuses."