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Sent with the subject line “Will you defend me?” Professor, Ah, the American Community Survey. Have you received it lately? This is the second time in 2 years for me. Maybe something to do with Colorado. The faq states the survey states the benefits to...

A three judge panel in D.C. has thrown out all Texas redistricing maps which were subject to challenge by the DOJ.  It’s a monster 154-page decision, embedded below, so it will take time to figure out what was done to which districts. Because Texas is...

Elizabeth Warren is riding high, raising tens of millions of dollars and serving as the designated warm-up speaker for Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in early September.  But she’s still an ethnic fraud who misappropriated Native American heritage as her own for professional purposes. The...

The question which has not been asked yet by the media, but needs to be. Elizabeth Warren has no documentation that she is Cherokee, Delaware or any other Native American tribe.  The initial claim that Warren was 1/32 Cherokee was withdrawn by the New England Historic...

A reader [see update] sent me the link to the article below which examines the “box checker” phenomenon in college and law school admissions.  I think the same analysis applies with regard to professional advancement in fields where there is enormous pressure to diversify, such as...

It may seem counter-intuitive, but Upstate New York (the NY flyover country) is a key to holding the House, and will form a core of Operation Counterweight.  In 2010, Republicans picked up several seats upstate; redistricting has caused the loss of one upstate seat (and...

On April 30, 2012, The Boston Globe broke the story that Chris Child of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) had located information about a marriage license showing that Elizabeth’s great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee, Document ties Warren kin to Cherokees: A record unearthed Monday shows that US...

If you haven’t heard of Ludmya “Mia” B. Love before, you will be hearing a lot more about her.  Mia has the potential to be the next big thing in conservative politics. And you heard about her here first! Mia is the American-born daughter of...

The Hispanic Republican Conference of the Texas House of Representatives endorsed Governor Rick Perry for President of the United States – before most anyone had even considered his running. Didn’t anyone tell them they aren’t even supposed to be Republicans? If Texas is any judge,...

Kathleen I’ve written before about how higher education is the next bubble, and I’m glad that Mark Schneider of AIR has done some research on behalf of AEI to really hit the nail on the head. Here are your talking points, folks: average lifetime earnings...

It’s not just in the Gulf of Mexico.  Or in West Virginia. There is a concerted effort on the part of the Obama administration to choke the growth of domestic supplies of fossil fuels.  Instead, we have a President obsessed with windmills. Now it’s Alaska (h/t reader...

To its credit, The New York Times ran the video produced by the Wisconsin Republican Party of signs carried by union protesters against the Governor of Wisconsin (featured in my post here), under the headline Republicans Accuse Liberals of Hateful Rhetoric in Wisconsin: The Republican Party of Wisconsin...

Jeff Jacoby writing in The Boston Globe, Irrelevant racial criteria (curiously, titled Retire The Racial Bean Counters at Jacoby’s own blog)(h/t Solomonia): Though most Americans may still think of themselves as belonging to a single race, the multiracial population is surging. Racial boundaries are more permeable...