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The lawsuit by Demos (an ACORN successor), which resulted in Massachusetts voluntarily taking the unprecedented step of mailing registration forms to almost 500,000 welfare recipients and other steps in welfare offices not required by law, is looking more and more like a pro-Elizabeth Warren set-up....

Rush Limbaugh launched a Facebook Page called Rush Babes for America, intended to show that more women support him than support the National Organization for Women. And sure enough, Rush Babes already has more followers than the NOW page, and NOW is griping. The impetus...

Just as Bill Maher was pleading for an “amnesty” in the political correctness war to silence speech, Media Matters was committing $100,000 to an advertising campaign urging people to call local radio stations to complain about Limbaugh.  Via AP: The liberal Media Matters for America...

The secondary boycott of Rush Limbaugh advertisers is portrayed in the media as a reaction to a groundswell of public outrage.  In fact, the secondary boycott was initiated by and driven by Media Matters, which had a “Stop Limbaugh” campaign on the shelf waiting to be...

From the Coffee Shop Blog: Comment of the week. No. The Year. “I’m Barack Obama and George Soros approved this message” LukeHandCool at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

I posted two days ago about the interrelationship between the Obama campaign and the Center for American Progress, White House and Think Progress merger complete.  A former senior Obama campaign staffer now runs CAP, and a current senior CAP strategist is set to take over...

The Center for American Progress (CAP), the George Soros funded Democratic messaging machine, runs the aggressive Think Progress website. Think Progress is obsessed with attacking the Tea Party movement as racist, the Koch Brothers as evil manipulators, and Clarence Thomas as corrupt.  Think Progress blogger Matthew Yglesias helped ignite the...

Some scary warnings out there, as reported by The Telegraph: As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an   international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up   of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible. Diplomats are preparing to...

You probably have heard about the inappropriate booing of one of our national figures.  Such conduct undoubtedly reflected latent racial tingedness and ethnic subtextism. The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a profile of the type of person who engages in such conduct, after an exhaustive study of the person who once threw...

Today in London:  Conservative rebels pushing for an in-or-out referendum on Europe are riding the tide of public opinion, according to a Guardian/ICM poll. Some 70% of voters want a vote on Britain’s EU membership, and by a substantial nine-point margin respondents say they would use it...

Because the Sun may not rise in the East tomorrow, I’ll be posting random updates of interest, but feel free to help out in the comments particularly in those hours known on the East Coast as sleepy time. Harry Reid just (8:40 p.m. Eastern) issued a...

TaxProf has the details on a campaign to prevent a conservative scholar from becoming Dean of Case Western Reserve Law School:  And now a public controversy has erupted over one of its dean search finalists:  Bradley A. Smith, Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault Designated Professor of Law...

The 400 wealthiest people control more wealth than that controlled by bottom economic half the population. Michael Moore said it, and PolitiFact checked it, so it must be true. So what? There is no limit to wealth in a free-market, capitalist society, unlike a socialist society...

Bono made a bit of a stir in late January with an Op Ed in Le Monde, a French newspaper. As he wrote: Africa is rich in natural resources yet it is rarely Africans (save some corrupt officials) who get rich off their extraction. Meanwhile...