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I’ve written many times about Rhode Island’s public sector pension problem, which is like an albatross hung around the necks of taxpayers.  Although some reforms have been made, retiring at a relatively early age on full or near full salary forevever has created an absurd...

It’s all about the message: Top Obama adviser says unemployment won’t be key in 2012 President Obama’s senior political adviser David Plouffe said Wednesday that people won’t vote in 2012 based on the unemployment rate. Well no, of course it will not be about unemployment,...

If you are on Twitter, the Heritage Foundation has five questions it is asking Obama for his Twitter Townhall.  The event, like all of Obama’s townhalls, is merely for show, but if he wants questions sent via Twitter, here are the five: Your budget was...

In his rather “prickly” press conference on Wednesday, President Obama made it sound as if tax increases (or, to use the Democrats’ language, “cutting spending in the tax code”) were part of a last resort at trimming the deficit as the federal government reaches its...

We approach the end of the light bulb as we know it, unless the revolution succeeds.  Even so, it’s doubtful the lost jobs will return, so the Mexican incandescent light bulb smuggling routes will open soon. Nonetheless,  I thought this would be a good time to...

The pool of Republican candidates just keeps growing, and voters are beginning to vet stances and pick sides. In an economy burdened by a $14.4 trillion debt and over 9% unemployment, Americans want someone new at the helm who can turn this sinking ship around....

(by Michael Alan) Oh look, he made a funny: But when he was selling the $800 billion stimulus both before and in the months after it was passed, all he could say was “shovel-ready”: Last October, the President first denounced the use of the term...

And they complain that Sarah Palin is “stupid” and unfit to be President?  Obama recently expressed a view of the economy in which technological innovation is viewed as a threat to jobs: President Obama explained to NBC News that the reason companies aren’t hiring is not...

I doubt Pink Floyd would have given permission to use the Another Brick in the Wall soundtrack, but that is what came to my mind when I saw this advertisement being run by Mitt Romney. What do you think?  Is Romney capable of making the transition from...

(By Michael Alan) As the mainstream media descends upon Juneau to do opposition research on someone who hasn’t been governor for almost two years, a crucial development in the Weinergate story–about a sitting Congressman that may very well have pursued underage girls–is being completely ignored....

(by Michael Alan) By now you’ve probably heard veteran campaign strategist Ed Rollins’ comments about Sarah Palin: Sarah has not been serious over the last couple of years. She got the vice presidential thing handed to her. She didn’t go to work in the sense...

The buzz is that Rick Perry has hired away some former Newt senior campaign staffers, and is giving serious consideration to jumping in the race. I truly don’t know much about him.  So tell me about Rick Perry. Updates:  Since we’re having comment function problems,...

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld an Arizona law requiring employers to use the federal E-Verify system. Everyone is wondering how this reflects on a future ruling as to Arizona’s immigration law which was struck down in a decision by both the Arizona District Court and...

Kathleen Commencement season is upon us, which means that insipid celebrities of all flavors will bestow their opinions upon a new generation of bright-eyed college grads. Notable was former President Bill Clinton. His prose at the NYU graduation read like so: “today’s business schools are...