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The headline of an Op-ed on the website of The Guardian newspaper, the left-wing British newspaper, started out promisingly enough: “Hamas No, Human Rights Yes.” The sub-title was even better: “Why are the left and the anti-war movement ignoring Hamas’s repression of the Palestinian people?”...

Good news. Israel opens the border crossing with Gaza — in between missile attacks from Hamas — to allow the export of tens of thousands of carnations. Wait a second, I thought Gaza was a wasteland on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe (along with the...

The Guardian newspaper in Britain devotes endless articles and op-eds to criticising Israel. The paper is worth reading if only to keep up to date on what the anti-Israel left is thinking. Few if any columnists are more critical of Israel than Jonathan Freedland. Yet...

James G. Lindsay, the former General Counsel of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), has issued a detailed 84-page report harshly critical of UNRWA’s policies with regard to Palestinian refugees. The report is titled “Fixing UNRWA...

Hamas set off a massive roadside bomb at the Gaza border, killing an Israeli soldier and wounding several on the Israeli side of the border. In return fire, one Palestinian was killed. So how do British papers report the story? Here are the headlines: The...

The Associated Press already has announced that Hamas is “restoring order” to Gaza, just like Hamas did in July 2007, before the Israeli invasion. The UN is decrying the “alarming” humanitarian situation, just like it did in July 2008, before the Israeli invasion. And British...

Israel has ended its Gaza operation in the hope that Hamas has learned to change its ways. No surprise, Hamas already is attempting to rearm with even longer-range missiles via a large shipment from Iran: US and Egyptian warships were scouring the Gulf of Aden...

The image on the home page of The New York Times website is startling. A bombed out building in Gaza with a single brightly colored child’s shoe in the middle of the photo. The imagery is powerful, particularly the contrast between the blackened floor and...

Paul Krugman is the NY Times columnist who won the Nobel prize for economics work he did over a decade ago before he became a columnist. Khalid Mashal is the political leader of Hamas based in Syria, who attained his position based on terrorist work...

It is always a little dangerous when law professors opine on areas of law with which they have little familiarity. That is why I have stayed away from the issue of whether Israel must use “proportionate” force against Hamas. Although I suspected that the term...

This just in: First, the bad news – Islamic Jihad has seized the hot dogs of invading Zionist-entity soldiers. Next, the good news – The hot dog wrappers were empty. Then, the really good news – “Meanwhile, the IDF has boasted somewhat more impressive achievements...

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that the U.S. has arranged for a charter ship “to carry 325 standard 20-foot containers of what is listed as ‘ammunition’ on two separate journeys from the Greek port of Astakos to the Israeli port of Ashdod in mid-to-late...

In a guest column in The Providence Journal, Susanne Garrison Hoder of Tiverton, Rhode Island, “founder of the Interfaith Peace Initiative,” compares Israel to Auschwitz prison guards: “The new movie The Reader is a powerful drama about a young man who discovers that a woman...