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TaxProf has the details on a campaign to prevent a conservative scholar from becoming Dean of Case Western Reserve Law School:  And now a public controversy has erupted over one of its dean search finalists:  Bradley A. Smith, Josiah H. Blackmore II/Shirley M. Nault Designated Professor of Law...

Sam Stein of HuffPo has important, breaking news:  Scott Walker has not changed since he ran for student body President in 1988 at Marquette — Walker took on the crowds and the newspaper editors then, just as he does now: Several days removed from the budget battle that...

The decision by the the Department of Justice to refuse to defend the Defense of Marriage Act is a massive power grab by the Executive Branch. The Justice Department is tasked with representing the “government” is the broad sense in legal matters coming before the...

In the wake of the overthrow of Hosni Mubarek, we have heard much praise for the “Arab Street,” including by Roger Cohen writing in The New York Times two days ago: In the Middle East you expect the worst. But having watched Egypt’s extraordinary civic achievement...

A number readers have written to me asking me to comment on the finding by a federal judge that the Obama administration is in contempt of court by maintaining a deep water new drilling moratoriam despite the court having rule such moratorium illegal: Judge Feldman...

The people who falsely and maliciously accused Sarah Palin of inciting Jared Loughner to murder now are criticizing Palin for using the term “blood libel.” The term “blood libel” has it’s origins in the accusation in Europe (and more modern times, in the Middle East)...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:  Cornel West is Professor of Religion and African American studies at Princeton University. West left Harvard University in 2002 amid controversy, with accusations of racism and inadequate scholarship...

I cannot begin to tell you how much it sickens me that the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group I supported many years ago because of its work against the Klan, has become a key player in labeling legitimate conservative political and religious groups as “hate groups.” I...

Nevada journalist and talk show host John Ralston is trolling for Harry Reid.  Ralston published an article in The Las Vegas Sun on Sunday titled Angle in 2005: I would have voted “no” on Katrina relief funds. The article is based on a tape given to...

Harry Reid’s campaign and the Nevada State Democratic Party appear to be playing games with federal campaign finance laws as to expenditures to maintain and promote the fake “” website. That fake website was launched by the Reid campaign, as a press release from the...

See Update below——————————————- Politico is one of the class acts in internet news to which I link frequently, and Ben Smith is a justifiably respected commentator at Politico. Which is why it pains me to have to point out that yesterday Smith unfairly smeared Robert...

It would be very easy to fall into a depression over Arlen Specter switching political parties, giving Democrats a likely filibuster-proof Senate majority. The result will be that Obama will be able to push through much of his agenda without meaningful debate. Not that I...