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Ann Althouse (via Instapundit) has a post about a mailer she received from a pro-Recall group in Wisconsin telling her which of her neighbors voted and which did not in the past several years.  Althouse’s reaction: This is an effort to shame and pressure people about voting,...

It’s NATO week in Chicago. The Occupiers, anarchists, socialists, unions, and other professional protesters are in the process of “couch-surfing” their way into town (for those who aren’t occupying foreclosed housing) for the NATO summit that officially takes place May 20-21. Yesterday, eight protesters who...

The Young Guns Network, and its YG Action Fund, were started by two former aides to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. The Young Guns have infuriated supporters of Richard Mourdock in the Indiana Senate primary race, as well as many conservatives who had no stake...

Spooned: Mark Levin: “Obama, it would seem, wants to deny to others what he will not deny to himself. He wants to deny to the children of others what he will not deny to his own children. He wants to amass riches, but he doesn’t...

Earlier this month Media Matters launched its most ferocious boycott effort ever to force Rush Limbaugh off the air by intimidating advertisers. It always was a charade, as documented here many times.  Media Matters coordinated with “independent” groups to make it appear that there was...

I have been covering political boycotts frequently since the inception of this blog, including the Prop 8 boycotts, the Mormon Boycott, the DNC boycott, the Beck boycott, the King & Spalding boycott, boycotts of various states for various reasons, the anti-Israel boycotts, and so on. So...

As detailed yesterday, the Media Matters employee spearheading efforts to pressure advertisers to stop advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show considered the March 3 Saturday night announcement by Carbonite that it was ceasing all advertising on Rush’s show to be a turning point. Just the day...

You already know how Media Matters, Think Progress, and other left-wing groups are targeting Rush Limbaugh’s advertisers with threats of secondary boycotts. The Rush secondary boycott is part of a strategy which has been refined by left-wing groups like Color of Change over the past several years...

Liberal groups have seized on a strategy I didn’t think would be effective, but has had some success, to go after advertisers of prominent conservative media personalities. Media Matters explicitly seeks to bring down Fox News and investigate its executives, and Fox News advertisers have...

Mitt Romney’s campaign is in trouble.  The trouble is not just the South Carolina vote count.  Romney’s internal polling almost certainly also showed that he was behind in Florida, as public polling released today reflects. More worrisome for Romney is a growing chorus of doubters within...

No surprise here.  Jewish students at the University of California, Berkeley, have filed a lawsuit (h/t) claiming that university officials have failed to protect Jewish students from harassment and intimidation by anti-Israeli groups: A pattern of harassment and physical assaults by members of two Muslim student...

Democrats must be in trouble if The Daily Beast is running a headline White Supremacist Stampede, with this opening line: Add to the growing list of candidates considering a bid for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 America’s most famous white-power advocate: David Duke. Ah...

(by Matthew Knee) Yale recently announced the closing of the The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), America’s first academic institute to study anti-Semitism, citing a lack of scholarly output and student interest. The overall Jewish community, and some newspaper columnists, are...

The internet is a cruel place. I don’t know what to make of this, my blog’s name being associated with Her via some sort of automated weblog: I wonder what she will accuse me of now. ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal...

King & Spalding dumped the House of Representatives as a client in DOMA litigation after coming under threatened protests and boycotts by groups opposed to DOMA.  A key aspect of the threats was that protesters not only would protest King & Spalding, but would go after...