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“Unexpected” has become the term of choice for the mainstream media to excuse the Obama administration’s economic failures. Yesterday I read an article in The NY Times about something unexpected in Obamacare, and one term jumped out at me (emphasis mine): About one-third of employers...

“Deem and Pass” is dead. There will be an up or down vote on the Senate bill in the House. But not until the House passes amendments to the Senate bill before it passes the Senate bill: House leaders have decided to take a separate...

Martha Coakley has hammered Scott Brown relentlessly with the claim that Brown wanted to permit hospitals to deny emergency contraception to rape victims. As Coakley surely knows, that claim is false. I examined the language of Brown’s proposed amendment in a prior post. That amendment...

The meme circulating today is that Republicans made a tactical error by failing to cooperate more with Democrats early on in the health care debate, pushing so-called moderate Democrats like Evan Bayh into the arms of Harry Reid and Barack Obama. That meme is a...

John Hawkins has an interesting post regarding a conversation he had with a Senate staffer on the chances of Obama-Pelosi-Reid-care passing this year (not likely) or in January (50/50): John: But still, it’s looking grim right? Senate Aide X: They are in much worse shape...

Congratulations Senior Citizens. Your self-appointed advocate, AARP, has intervened again in favor of Democratic health care restructuring proposals: As the Senate prepares to vote on a controversial Medicare funding amendment to the $848 billion health care bill, the seniors lobby has weighed in with a...

I so love to say I told you so. On Sunday, after recovering from the intial reaction to the House vote, I cautioned that the Stupak Amendment created an impossible situation for Democrats. While Democrats were still drunk with jubilation over the Great Saturday Night...

Joe Lieberman threw a healthy dose of water on the Pelosi-Reid-Obama health care fire this morning, reiterating that he will join in a Republican filibuster of any Senate health care bill which contains a public option. This is at least the second time in recent...

No one has been able to get a full grasp on the scope of the health care system restructuring proposed by the Democrats. I have written extensively on some of the more interesting tax provisions, but I only have scratched the surface. The pending House...

William F. Buckley, Jr. famously said: I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. Reflecting...

The California Supreme Court has issued a split ruling, upholding Proposition 8 but also upholding the validity of gay marriages which took place prior to passage of Prop. 8. Proposition 8 enshrined in the California Constitution the traditional definition of marriage, providing that only marriages...

NY Times links to and quotes from my post on potential Supreme Court replacement for David Souter: William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection seems to agree that while sexual orientation may not be a big deal, previous support of gay marriage is a red flag.Elena Kagan...

For the past several Supreme Court nominations, the hot issue has been abortion. Whether a nominee supported Roe v. Wade was the litmus test, both for conservatives and liberals. Predictably, nominees shied away from opining on whether they would vote to uphold either the outcome...

News is breaking that Supreme Court Justice David Souter is retiring. There will be a fight over his replacement, for sure. And Arlen Specter switching may have given Republicans a trump card to block an unacceptable replacement. Everyone, including me, has been blogging about how...

I long have criticized the bias of the NY Times, and mocked its business death spiral. My posts Nude Swiss Hikers Rescue NY Times and NY Times New Business Strategy: DEATH mocked the sensationalist trend on The Times’ website. I was the first (as far...

Update: Welcome NY Times readers. Do not be alarmed. You have not landed on the set of the movie Deliverance. I just happen to have a point of view you don’t hear at The Times. See my related post, I’m Seething Over The NY Times...

I have argued that the “Mormon boycott” resulting from the passage of California Proposition 8 is both unjustifiable and harmful to the cause of gay marriage. (See my article at American Thinker and post immediately below). In an article titled Boycotts That Backfire, Jennifer Vanasco...