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In my last report on San Diego mayor Bob Filner, I noted that he brought Washington, D.C.’s sense of teamwork and fair play with him. At that time, Filner crashed  a press conference held by City Attorney Jan Goldsmith responding to the mayor’s call for...

Considering the wonderful job Andrew Branca has done covering the George Zimmerman trial, I’ve been relegated to something approaching potted plant status here. It ain’t broke, so I ain’t gonna fix that. But I will weigh in with my own thoughts on the case and...

A Hong Kong news outlet unveiled explosive new hacking accusations against the US on Saturday morning, citing information shared with the outlet by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. From the South China Morning Post: Snowden, who celebrated his 30th birthday on Friday as the US government...

James O’Keefe’s book, Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy, should really come with the following warning for summer readers: CAUTION: Compelling book causes intense concentration; sunburn is possible. As I recover from being toasted by the California sun, I wanted to...

Edward Snowden, the now-former NSA contractor who leaked secret documents to The Washington Post and the Guardian, said he didn’t want to become the story.  “I don’t want public attention because I don’t want the story to be about me. I want it to be...

Long saga of Jeremy Hammond, self-described anarchist, comes to an end. Jeremy Hammond, a notorious hacker and anarchist from the Chicago area, pleaded guilty this morning to hacking charges in a New York courtroom under the terms of a plea agreement. Hammond was initially charged in...

Last November, a faction claiming association to the hacker collective Anonymous launched #OpIsrael, in retaliation for Israel’s strikes on Gaza. Earlier this week, those operations were resurrected in another wave of #OpIsrael that is scheduled to commence on April 7th, the date of Holocaust Memorial...