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John Kerry tagged team with Obama to extract a humiliating apology from Israel over the deaths of Turks who violently attacked Israeli soldiers lawfully boarding a ship breaking the lawful Gaza military blockade. The Turks and others in the Muslim world took the apology as...

Last November, a faction claiming association to the hacker collective Anonymous launched #OpIsrael, in retaliation for Israel’s strikes on Gaza. Earlier this week, those operations were resurrected in another wave of #OpIsrael that is scheduled to commence on April 7th, the date of Holocaust Memorial...

1) Casting the first stone – and all the subsequent ones too What’s the difference between assault with a deadly weapon – a shooting – and assault with rocks that hit cars at potentially lethal speeds? Why should teenagers think of rock-throwing as something fun...

1) The counter-intuitive truth David Ignatius, recently peddling conventional wisdom about President Obama’s recent Middle East, Obama’s Pragmatic Approach, trip listed three accomplishments of that trip. Two of them were: Obama breathed a little life back into an Israeli-Palestinian peace process that had all but...

1) The apology The Washington Post reported Obama ends Israel visit by brokering end to dispute with Turkey: Prodded by President Obama, Israel and Turkey agreed Friday to end a three-year rift caused by a deadly Israeli commando raid on a Turkish ship bound for...

What he said, Liberman calls Turkey apology a ‘serious mistake’: Former foreign minister Avigdor Liberman slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday for his decision to apologize to his Turkish counterpart for the “operational errors” made by Israel during the 2010 raid on the Turkish...

1) The President talks to the Israeli people Barry Rubin summarizes President Obama’s message to the young people of Israel whom he addressed at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem yesterday. First: Obama’s big theme is that — and I’m not being satirical here —...

1) Is there any hope left for Mideast honesty in the New York Times A few people have pointed out that I missed an op-ed by Rashid Khalidi, Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? One paragraph really stuck out. Until 1991 most Palestinians, although...

Cheerleading the Intifada The New York Times has done it again. Less then two weeks after publishing an intellectual attack against Israel, it publishes an article glorifying physical attacks on Israel. The front page story of yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, Is This Where the...

1) Why is this debate a virtue? Yesterday, I wrote about Joseph Levine’s outrageous article at the New York Times arguing that Israel is not a legitimate secular democratic state. At the Daily Beast, Ralph Seliger writes: I think it’s odd that we should still...