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1) Is there any hope left for Mideast honesty in the New York Times A few people have pointed out that I missed an op-ed by Rashid Khalidi, Is Any Hope Left for Mideast Peace? One paragraph really stuck out. Until 1991 most Palestinians, although...

Everything that’s wrong with the corruptocracy known as Los Angeles is contained in this L.A. Times report about the departure of Tim Leiweke as head of Anschutz Entertainment Group—and there’s little doubt, given how the details were spaced out in the 1,000-word story, that reporters...

Those “apartheid” buses A number of British publications recently featured articles about some new Israeli bus lines devoted to transporting Arab residents of Judea and Samaria into Israel. These publications have outrageously called the buses, “apartheid” buses. Lori Lowenthal Marcus lays out some of the...

1) Taking the lede in blaming Israel A number of bloggers have commented on the anti-Israel remarks made by Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan last week. Fortunatly, Secretary of State, John Kerry and others rebuked Turkey. Here’s how the New York Times’ anti-Israel blogger Robert Mackey provided context for the remarks: The Turkish prime minister has expressed...

As Obama signed 23 executive orders to “control gun violence” that impact citizen rights under the Second Amendment, supporters of gun ownership held hundreds of rallies across the country this Saturday (Feb. 23) to protest these rules. The theme for many was “Day of Resistance“;...

As my San Diego compatriot Dean Riehm notes: Russia has become to meteors/meteorites what trailer parks have been to tornadoes. Yesterday, a space object thought to be a “tiny asteroid” exploded over the Russia. The ensuing shock wave shattered glass throughout the region, injuring over...

Another one of those things that makes you go hmmm… At first it was attributed to anti-Assad forces.  And supposedly took place just a couple of days ago. This was no ordinary General, via Ynet: The London-based Arabic newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported Friday that Hush...

Last night I attended another candidates forum for the race to replace Jesse Jackson Jr’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Having attended quite a few by this point, my main takeaway is that the people of the Second District have a sorry, sorry...

Remind me again why I should watch. Also, I can’t wait for the warm welcome Chief Justice Roberts gets this time, now that he cast the deciding vote in favor of Obamacare. Via NRO: Update: From RCP: The president’s speech, described by White House officials...

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA), the Westchester County Firearm Owners Association (WCFOA), the Sportsmen’s Association for Firearm Education (SAFE) and have taken the first step in legal challenges to the recently-enacted NY gun law. The groups filed a “Notice of...

As we all seek out ways to restore our country to the right path, I believe there is one area that has been neglected: culture. In 2013, my organization The Frontier Lab is excited to continue its study of the facets of the American character–how Americans...

Progressive gun control advocates were clamoring for more liberty-crushing legislation immediately after the slaughter of the young students and teachers at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School. Meanwhile, others cry “white privilege” because most mass shooting suspects are white. Yet, one critically important aspect continues to get...

The United States nominally opposed the General Assembly Resolution granting nonmember state status to “Palestine.” In the short run, it changes nothing on the ground, but it does embolden the Palestinians to hold out for everything, including  a reversion to the 1949 Armistice borders, commonly...

In an Israeli airstrike, after almost non-stop rocket fire from Gaza into Israel. Via Times of Israel: The Israeli Air Force on Wednesday bombed a car in Gaza City, killing Ahmed Jaabari, the head of Hamas’s armed wing — the equivalent of an army’s chief...

Cook County president Toni Preckwinkle has been on a mission to punish legal gunowners of late. Preckwinkle, a mentor to President Obama, made headlines earlier this year when she said that “Reagan deserves a special place in hell.” After decreeing in a Wednesday press conference that...