Kemberlee Kaye is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection, where she has worked since 2014 and is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She also serves as the Managing Editor for, a research project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation.
She has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, and US Senate re-election campaigns, among others.
Kemberlee, her daughter, and her son live a lovely taco-filled life in their native Texas.
You can reach her anytime via email at kk @
"Democrats can throw a wrench into the gears a little bit with the federal courts, but at the end of the day a popular president controlling Congress and controlling the massive Federal bureaucracy is going to be able to get most of this stuff done,...
How is it possible that this is only week 3?...
Inauguration, Executive Orders, DEI Crackdown, and Birthright Citizenship...
California on fire, the political fallout, free speech shakeups, and wild ideas for America’s expansion...
This is a dangerous two weeks—a very dangerous two weeks. Biden’s not done yet, and we have no idea what’s coming next....
Trump is dominating the headlines as the election race tightens....
In this episode we cover Kamala's demand for a third debate at CNN, the state of the election and who has the momentum, the exploding Hezbollah pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon, Professor Jacobson's new-found love-interest (pagers), and how the Trump second assassination attempt already has...
"The Democrats were fighting to keep him off the ballot before he endorsed Trump, but as soon as he wanted off, they fought to keep him on. That’s how unprincipled this litigation is, it has nothing to do with anything other than how they can...
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Sr. Contrib Editor
Contrib Editor
Higher Ed
Editor Emerita