Always letting the perfect be the enemy of good, and other discussions about the Republican necessity to tank any substantive change. We complain in this episode.
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The only thing the GOPe opposes more than democrats is their own base.
You make the mistake of assuming the name “Republican” means conservative, or that establishment Republicans have goals that differ in any way from their Dem colleagues.
Neither of those things is true. What is true is that R’s are usually NOT the Dems’ enemy, but OURS..
I share your frustrations. It is infuriating watching the Senate GOP immediately move to betray us. Of course, we have seen this movie before – back when the Tea Party gave the GOP the biggest swing in Congressional power in 100 years, in 2010, the immediate reaction of Mitch McConnell and the Weeping Boner was to attack the Tea Party. These people are complete scum.
I lay all of these current Senate issues right at the feet of the current McConnell toadie, Thune. Thune is a worm. He never should have been allowed to win the leader election.
What needs to0 be done is something truly historic. Thune needs to be given his place in history as the only (?) Senate majority leader to be thrown out of leadership. The Senate GOP needs to have a vote of no-confidence in the current leadership, throw them all out and run the elections again. This time, Rick Scott needs to be elected and no one who is friendly with McConnell in any way is to be allowed near leadership. Those people are traitors to their core who cannot be trusted with anything.
And the fact that McConnell was one of the opposing senators for the Gaetz appointment is just the rotten cherry on top of all this. McConnell is as much a vegetable as Biden is and needs to be tossed from the Senate. He has a non-functioning brain.
Traitors Thune and McConnell and their gang need to get this message:
This will not be a replay of the Tea Party.
Technical note: You two need to equalize your mic volumes before broadcast. I could barely hear the professor and if I turned the volume up Kimberlee was too loud.
If you’re producing your own podcast and YT content, Accentize Content Creator or Content Creator Plus plug-in bundles work well for AI powered de-room (reverberance), de-noise, EQ, compression and volume leveling. I use Content Creator bundle (less than a Benjamin) to produce a podcast and it’s very easy to use in AUTO mode.
Traitors Thune and McConnell and their gang need to get this message
Political parties are coalitions. Once one wins, it’s its own worst enemy.