Quote of the day, from a mostly sympathetic Walter Shapiro writing in The New Republic (h/t @SissyWillis):
How do I convey this respectfully as a veteran of the 1960s? This is not the 1967 Pentagon March or anything like it. Nothing I saw in New York this week justifies the current level of the-whole-world-is-watching media coverage.
It’s the Coffee Party all over again, with a double shot of nasty topped with media foam.
Update: It’s also Pallywood.

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I went down there Wednesday. I didn’t have enough time to debate with them unfortunately, but they really aren’t that big. I saw 3 other protests on my way to that one, one of which was easily bigger than OWS. This is New York City, you’re going to need a lot more than 1000 disenchanted kids to cause a dent here.
OWS… the finest Astroturf George Soros can buy.
A “veteran of the 1960’s?” How is just growing up in ordinary time going to make you a veteran? 1967? Does living in and surviving the deadliest riot of the day in 1967 make me a veteran? Does S.E Asia meeting folks and trying hard to kill them qualify? Amazing how legends are formed within one’s own minds.
Pardon me while I spit.
Twitter is pretty funny today…lol.
RT @iowahawkblog: If you think you’re cleaning up Wall Street by taking a dump in the middle of it, #YouMightBeAFleabagger
[…] finally, echoing my Bill Ayers joke (here), Professor Jacobson at his great blog, Legal Insurrection, quotes Walter Shapiro of the New Republic lamenting that this #OWS ain’t all it is cracked […]