Obamacare website back end still not fixed
So how can numbers coming from the Obama admin be reliable?

That was the testimony today from insurance company executives, on the “back end” of the Obamacare website.
That’s the part of the website which transmits data to and from insurance companies. It’s the part the public never sees, but it is critical to the operation of the system as to payments, enrollments, and other data.
During a hearing on Capitol Hill today, insurance companies unanimously said that the Obamacare website is still not fixed.
“One final question for all the panelists: Is the website fixed?,” asks Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) to the insurance company representatives.
Out of the six people sitting on the panel, not one said the website is fixed.
The participants included: Frank Coyne, the Vice President of Operations of Blue cross Blue shield. Mark Pratt, the Senior Vice President of State Affairs from America’s Health Insurance Plans. Paul Wingle, the Executive Director of Individual Business and Public Exchange Operations and Strategy of Aetna. Brian Evanko, President, Individual Segment at Cigna. J. Darren Rodgers, the Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Health Care Service Corporation. Finally, Dennis Matheis who is the President of Central Region and Exchange Strategy at Wellpoint, Inc.

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Obama – care?
Read their latest issue: “Cooking Made Simple.”
Koch brothers…is there ANYTHING they cannot do…!?!?
well, i’m still waiting on my check for being a climate change denier…
Dude…INTERN. Think “Monica”…
The total crash and burn of the ACA is coming.
fake up accurate…
Didn’t I read just last week that about
75% DID NOT PAY the Obamascar plans – after signing up for them?
Not enough “Lean Forward” motivation to wanna fix their back end. I guess.
Reliable. Is derived from olde Englishe withe ye root worde of lie, as in not telling ye truth, and re, a suffex that means to lie again.
Back end problems? Call a proctologist (if you can find one who will accept Obamacare).
This week most American proctologists are meeting in Atlanta at the Ted Turner pavilion where they announce the annual Sidney Blumenthal award for excellence to that person whose contributions for the past year are the closest to that standard of pure assholism set by Sid.
David Gregory is favored to win this year and there are several bets and side bets but no one in this group spends much time shaking hands.
We already know the real numbers, Congressional report on actual enrollments through the Federal Exchange = 2.45 Million. That’s how many people paid a premium as of April 15th.
Don’t have real numbers yet on the state run exchanges, but an extremely generous estimate would put the highest possible number at about a million.