The Only “Constitutional Crisis” is That Democrats Lost, Now They’re Trying To Govern from the Courtroom
My Hot Take on Democat Lawfare: “There is no constitutional crisis other than the Democrats lost. They are trying to create a constitutional crisis by having the judiciary and the federal district courts assume control of the executive branch.”

Democrats have launched a pre-planned, well-organized lawfare campaign against the Trump administration.
The NY Times reported in late November 2024 on the massive effort which was two-years in the making and in the immediate post-election period focused heavily on finding plaintiffs and lining up legal groups to challenge expected Trump policies:
More than 800 lawyers at 280 organizations have begun developing cases and workshopping specific challenges to what the group has identified as 600 “priority legal threats” — potential regulations, laws and other administrative actions that could require a legal response, its leaders said. The project, called Democracy 2025, aims to be a hub of opposition to the new Trump administration….
Democracy Forward has spent the last two years working to identify the possible actions the new Trump administration could take on issues they see as key priorities to defend, the group’s leaders said, using as a blueprint Mr. Trump’s first-term actions, his campaign promises and plans released by his allies, including the Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025 agenda….
The flotilla of lawyers is preparing to challenge new regulations released by the Trump administration, even beginning the process of recruiting potential plaintiffs who would have legal standing in court.
We have seen the fruits of the lawfare planning in the opening three weeks of the Trump administration, with several dozen lawsuits filed, and many (not all) district court judges willing at least to grant temporary restraining orders, incuding one ex parte TRO issued by an emergency duty judge at 1 a.m. last Saturday morning that by its terms removed political appointee control of Treasury payment systems. (That TRO was scaled back by the judge permanently assigned to the case, and is under review by her in a ruling expected soon.) It may be that the short-term TROs are not extended to longer-term preliminary injunctions, and if that happens the “crisis” may solve itself, but I’m not hopeful.
Here is my ‘hot take’ on how the lawfare, not the Trump administration, is creating the real ‘constitutional crisis’. This is a short excerpt from my much longer (almost 20 minute) explanation as part of the podcast we just posted.
(Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors, lightly edited for transcript clarity, video previously edited)
The Democrats’ strategy throughout the country now, but mostly in blue States, is to get the federal judiciary to usurp the executive powers of the executive branch and that’s what this is all about. It’s a very dangerous ploy. These judges should not be entertaining it but in multiple cases they have, and they’ve issued temporary restraining orders on a whole host of issues that really amount to political policy issues.
This is the problem. If the federal judges really want to run the executive branch then the executive branch should be in their courtrooms two to three times a day asking the judges to make decisions and the judges are going to regret that.
The Democrats love to scream about a constitutional crisis. There is no constitutional crisis other than the Democrats lost. They are trying to create a constitutional crisis by having the judiciary and the federal district courts assume control of the executive branch.
So that’s where we’re heading. it’s going to come to a head. I hope this one or more of these cases get to the Supreme Court very soon because we as a country need to know moving forward, with a new president who won not only the electoral college but the popular vote, whether he’s going to be able to run the executive branch or whether it’s going to be run by federal judges. We need to know that right now.
What needs to happen is you need to get these things out of the hands of the district courts and into the hands of the Courts of appeal, and in the hands hopefully of the Supreme Court. It’s only going to take the Supreme Court once or twice slapping down these judges with these crazy rulings for the message to get out. But it really needs to get out sooner rather than later, otherwise we’re going to be paralyzed, which is what the Democrats want. We will have a paralyzed executive branch where federal district courts are being asked to make policy judgments.
Democrats can throw a wrench into the gears a little bit with the federal courts, but at the end of the day a popular president controlling Congress and controlling the massive Federal bureaucracy is going to be able to get most of this stuff done, it just may not be in the first month, it may take longer.

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I used to have respect for you , Professor Jacobsen. But it’s gone. Your use of the moronic MAGA ‘lawfare’ cliche is ,quite frankly, an embarassment to you.You know full well there was a mountain of evidence that Trump may have committed crimes . And to compound your sellout, the current AG is ACTUALLY pursuing lawfare with NO compelling evidence of any kind.
Yet you remain silent. Sad. I hope you at least got one of those stupid red hats for your kowtowing,
You criticize the use of the term “lawfare” and then two sentences later YOU use the term. Not sure if that is an oxymoron or if you are a moronic commentator.. I’m not a lawyer, but evidence someone MAY have committed a crime is also cognitively dissonant IMHO.
If you’re going to have a wank while posting here, please have the decency to use a tissue afterwards.
That way, when your mom comes down to the basement with your pizza pocket and Mountain Dew, she won’t even suspect what her big boy has been up to.
I think tjv’s preferred drink is likely blue kool-aid, hold the ice, in a huge slurpee cup. Just a guess.
No one here has any respect for you and your childish caterwauling.
“I used to have respect for you , Professor Jacobsen.”
That is a big fat lie. You don’t even know how to spell his name correctly.
If you don’t have any respect for Professor Jacobson, you shouldn’t be posting here.
“He who saves his country does not violate any law,” ‘the moron’ on social media.
comments, Paula.
I know you are DEEP into cult worship , but grounded, critical thinkers AREN”T.
This is you to a tee.! “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” -‘moron’
I will criticize Prof Jacobsen as I see fit.
btw- your correction of my typos is always welcome. So important! and everybody loves a schoolmarm! LOL
“…grounded, critical thinkers…”
Three words that should never be used to describe you.
I always took that to mean if he was shooting people in NYC, all he would hit are democrats.
Have you crafted a song yet for your fellow wackos to sing?
Why be productive when there are the old classics to lean back on.
I bet the good professor is so broken up about not having the respect of a communist retard that can barely type and thinks “moron” is a clever nickname.
And yet Professor Jacobson will somehow manage to carry on.
Your village called. They don’t want you back.
at least return the dunce cap.
Fee, I’m sure the professor wil lose sleep over your asinine comment
Gee lol
I don’t normally like going straight to ad hominem, but the comment by the idiot initial poster is straight dog voodoo and reveals his utter stupidity.
Piss off, JR clone. No one cares.
kamala, is that you???
“more than 800 lawyers and 260 organizations…”. Where is the money coming from funding this enterprise? Someone needs to follow the money.
Musk is doing precisely that.
Whoever the hell you are, go away. You’re not welcome here.
The lobotomized village idiot/moron returns, for another exercise in obnoxiousness and stupidity.
You should be wearing your “Hope and Change” dunce cap at all times, including when you shower and sleep.
I don’t want to catch you without it, cretin.
Democrats are sounding like a deposed leftist party in South America with their violent rantings.
Congress following up will solidify Trump’s EOs.
Will Speaker and Majority Leader do more than speechify?
— NY Slow walking Elise Stefanik’s New York House seat. Golly, what could possibly go wrong?
Yep, this “R” Congress must repeal those statutes authorizing 000s of “agencies.”
The continuing resolution expires on March 14. This is the first step in stripping these agencies of funding.
Later in the year Trump will propose the new budget. Go on the warpath, Don.
The answer may not be an outright repeal in all cases. What is an answer is for Congress to write better laws which spell out to the letter just what authority these agencies have in developing rules and regulations in order to administer the laws. This means there can be no room to wiggle around the legislature’s intent in passing the law. This means including definitions even for what most would see as being obvious. This means placing limits on what is left up to the regulatory agency. Congress has been too lazy and that is what has lead to them basically turning their law writing duties over to the rule making bodies.
Once the Supremes rule and this is where I can’t understand the judiciary, because the Supremes already ruled that the President has “absolute” control over the Executive Branch. It’s settled law. These activist judges are violating Supreme Court rulings. Congress should start impeachment proceedings and defund specific district courts.
To everyone, NGOs, Congress, State AGs, special interest groups, etc., upset at an elected chief executive who has decided to take back the government from unelected bureaucrats – All of this was decided more than two centuries ago when the States ratified the US Constitution and its Article II. If you don’t like it, there’s a process by which the Constitution can be amended. Good luck.
Thanks, Prof J. I think that you have provided an accurate analysis of the present situation. However, on the bright side, it is a good thing that DJT came out of the gate as he did, so the issues can get decided by the S Ct before the end of his term. Perhaps some will even be decided before midterm elections.
I have no faith the Supreme Court will do constitutional justice. They are a political organization and you know 3 of them love to make law from the bench out of whole cloth.
Just like they abused and weaponized the government, they now do the same with the judiciary. Sad to see judges participate. Cleaning will be a slog, but worth it. MALA=Make America Lawful Again!
The Democrats are doing everything they can to provoke a civil war. They won’t be happy until the entire country looks like the aftermath of Gettysburg. Of course, and as usual, they forget who has most of the guns and ammo and, more importantly, the training.
Wonder if the troll will keep getting paid, now that USAID money laundering has been exposed and is being shut down?
Yes and no.
The Dems don’t “govern”. They destroy. And the leftist courts are the perfect place to carry that destruction out.
Disruptive is the new transformative.
The idea that district court judges can issue restraining orders that extend beyond their own district seems ridiculous. If a TRO is going to apply to the entire country, it should be issued by SCOTUS.
“It’s only going to take the Supreme Court once or twice slapping down these judges with these crazy rulings for the message to get out.”
Highly overoptimistic.
It didn’t work with Heller, so they created Bruen. Now it’s not working with Bruen, either.
Until actual physical pain is involved, it will never work.
Time to file articles of impeachment against the judges and bar complaints against the lawyers.
How are articles of impeachment more than just grandstanding, given the Senate will never remove one? I was wondering if some judges could risk arrest as accessories to illegal conduct, if they hinder DOJ in pursuing it.
the process is the punishment.
can you sound any kookier? SMH.
I think you are in the best position to evaluate kookiness, being an absolute frigging kook yourself.
I have a better idea. I am wondering if DoGE will discover that federal funds were disbursed and laundered from various agencies to NGO’s in the form of kickbacks to liberal judges in some fashion. These Obama and Biden-appointed Washington, DC, district court judges seem ready and able to spring into action on a moment’s notice to stop Trump’s EOs. Why is that?
“He who saves his country does not violate any law,” Trump posted on social media.
Comments ,Professor?
Yes. Trump is your President and there’s nothing you can do about it. Enjoy the next four years!
Liz Warren and Chuck Schumer’s butts have been hurting them lately. Are you available to lend a hand?
the democrats now admit they’ve made mistakes. so they are for massive deportations, a secure border, a cut in government spending and waste, lower taxes, no bio men in women’s sports, no more DEI programs and discrimination against white men, a strong equal opportunity military and promotions based on merit.
At least until the mid-terms and if elected will revert to their old left wing radical woke ways. All as planned.
Exactly the responses I would expect from from the walnut sized liberal brain; name calling, tirades, hypocritical, fact-less discourse. Jacobsen makes great points…libs are dead, face it. You have no cause and failure to adjust will make you poor.
You (libs) activated the weapon of the lower courts (bought an paid for judges who were given their credentials–you know what I mean). Yes they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer.. I have absolutely no problem using that same weapon to steam roll the last ounce of corruption. Your grift is dead.
What facts are those, Jacobsen asserts a bunch of stuff that is in contradiction to how the system and law operates. The fact of the matter is that Senile President Felon Trump with President Musk have done multiple unconstitutional acts. You do know how the constitution works right
The Executive Branch runs executive functions including hiring and firing his employees, That is not the purview of the Judiciary.
Were you really from the fastest sperm? Must have looked like the Special Olympics between your momma’s legs that night.
This ‘hot take’ is pure projection. The fact of the matter is the executive branch is trying to do patently unconstitutional things and the Judiciary is doing its job. When a criminal commits lots of crimes its not lawfare to hold them to account.
.. patently unconstitutional things ..
such as?