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Son of Man Accused of Trying to Assassinate Trump Faces Child Porn Charges

Son of Man Accused of Trying to Assassinate Trump Faces Child Porn Charges

The devices held “hundreds of child pornography files,” including “videos from a known child pornography series created outside the state of North Carolina.”

Authorities arrested Oran Routh, the son of the man accused of trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, for child pornography.

The charges are:

  • 18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(2)(A) – Receipt of Child Pornography on or about 07/23/2024
  • 18 U.S.C. § 2252A(a)(5)(B) – Possession of Child Pornography on or about 09/21/2024

From ABC News:

Investigators say they discovered “hundreds” of files with child pornography during a search of Oran Routh’s residence in Guilford County, North Carolina, on Saturday conducted “in connection with an investigation unrelated to child exploitation.”

The two charges he faces include receipt of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

The “unrelated investigation” referred to Routh’s father — who remains in custody after a judge ordered him detained pending trial Monday — a spokesperson with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Carolina confirmed to ABC News.

Investigators said the pornography was found on a Samsung Galaxy Note device located inside Oran Routh’s primary bedroom in the residence, as well as another Galaxy Note device in Routh’s possession.

Investigators found the pornography “on a Samsung Galaxy Note device located inside Oran Routh’s primary bedroom in the residence, as well as another Galaxy Note device in Routh’s possession.”

The card held “hundreds of child pornography files,” including “videos from a known child pornography series created outside the state of North Carolina.”

The videos include children ages 6 to 10 years old.

Oron Routh should make an appearance in court later today in North Carolina.

Oron defended his father after authorities arrested him for trying to assassinate Trump in Florida on September 15:

The son of the person detained following the shooting incident on former President Donald Trump’s golf course in Florida on Sunday told CNN that he hopes everything has “just been blown out of proportion” and that it’s not like his father “to do anything crazy, much less violent.”

Oran Routh, son of Ryan Routh, said his father is loving, caring and hardworking.

“Ryan is my father, and I don’t have any comment beyond a character profile of him as a loving and caring father, and honest, hardworking man. I don’t know what’s happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent. He’s a good father, and a great man, and I hope you can portray him in an honest light,” Oran Routh said.

Oron told The Daily Mail that his father hates Trump just “as every reasonable person does.”


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E Howard Hunt | September 24, 2024 at 11:32 am

When will he file papers to run for Governor of North Carolina?

    Evil Otto in reply to E Howard Hunt. | September 24, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    Hell, I’m not sure why the Democrats haven’t made him Kamala’s running mate.

    Son of Man Accused of Trying to Assassinate Trump Faces Child Porn Charges. And Trump’s endorsement of Mark Robinson who self identifies as a “Black Nazi” and a trans sexual kink. If only we had DeSantis instead of Trump. We would be leading by 10 points. Instead, we will lose this election. Trump and his supporters will, of course, claim election fraud, just like they did the last time. But all of Trump’s supporters, just like last time, will spend their time time on their fat asses in front of computers posting comments instead of getting out the vote. How pathetic.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | September 24, 2024 at 9:29 pm

      LOL. “If only.”
      If only JR had a brain, he’d stop writing these pathetic mewling Never-Trump posts.
      If only JR had any dignity, he’d quit posting here and go post this tripe at Daily Kos.
      If only JR had something more than just “same ol same ol,” perhaps he wouldn’t get ratio’ed so hard.
      Speaking of fat asses, what do you weigh, Tubby?
      Jesus, are YOU a sad sorry little person.

destroycommunism | September 24, 2024 at 11:49 am


the left might now draw the line on prosecuting him

What a great American family/s


I’m honestly torn. The guy is a schmuck, at the very least. (That “as every reasonable person” remark tells you that.) If he had kiddie p0rn that was his, then he needs to burn.

But, do you trust the feds that this was actually on his device before they accessed it? Could they be setting up everyone associated with Routh to disappear into the deepest, darkest hole possible? Especially after exposing that letter?

For those of you using extra heavy duty foil…
Were those kids Ukrainian?
(That “created outside the state of North Carolina” bit was a really odd thing to say….)

thalesofmiletus | September 24, 2024 at 2:38 pm

What convenient leverage they have on Routh.

Now he can take a plea (or hang himself) to save his kid.

yeah I am going to wait and see
cuz we know cops would NEVER
plant evidence on a device.
and yes he is a douce “reasonable person”

To be honest, I don’t find this very relevant to the attempted assassination story. Yeah, the kid is a pervert and a nut, but I don’t think that you can draw anything useful about his dad’s actions or motivations from this revelation.

    healthguyfsu in reply to Hodge. | September 24, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    Well, this is what the “pervert and nut” had to say about his father:

    “Ryan is my father, and I don’t have any comment beyond a character profile of him as a loving and caring father, and honest, hardworking man. I don’t know what’s happened in Florida, and I hope things have just been blown out of proportion, because from the little I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like the man I know to do anything crazy, much less violent. He’s a good father, and a great man, and I hope you can portray him in an honest light,” Oran Routh said.”

    You can say the apple and the tree are both rotten.

Victor Immature | September 24, 2024 at 4:27 pm

IDK what’s up with this. But it’s not uncommon for people with dark secrets and misdeeds to develop outsized “crusader” personas.

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