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Report: There Are ‘Significant Inaccuracies’ in Tim Walz’s Story About How He Got Into Politics

Report: There Are ‘Significant Inaccuracies’ in Tim Walz’s Story About How He Got Into Politics

“This version of the political origin story for the Democratic vice presidential nominee, who is already facing ‘stolen valor’ accusations over claims about his military service from combat veterans, contains significant inaccuracies.”

Democrats have relentlessly attacked Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) over his origin story ever since GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump announced in late July that Vance would be his vice presidential running mate.

For instance, when Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear was auditioning in July to be Kamala Harris’ pick, he oddly proclaimed he wanted “the American people to know what a Kentuckian is and what they look like. Because let me just tell you that J.D. Vance ain’t from here.”

In response, Vance shut Beshear down by noting,Eastern Kentucky will always have a special place in my heart…it’s very weird to have a guy whose first job was at his dad’s law firm and who inherited the governorship from his father criticize my origin story.”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, too, has taken cheap shots at Vance’s story of growing up to make something of himself rather than stay poor and uneducated by dinging Vance for attending Yale.

“Now, I grew up in Butte, Nebraska, a town of 400 people. I had 24 kids in my high school class.” Walz said at the Democrat National Convention. “And none of them went to Yale.”

Interestingly enough, moments later Walz declared that “when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love.”

Except when your political opposition goes to Yale, I guess.

It’s fascinating how often Walz takes cheap shots at the back stories of his political opponents considering all the holes that have been poked in his, which have included embellishments and flat-out lies — most notably the one where he strongly insinuated he was a combat veteran.

Legal Insurrection has documented many of them:

It will surprise exactly no one outside of the Harris-Walz campaign that yet another story Walz has told over the years has come under scrutiny: How he got into politics.

He told the story in a Twitter/X thread on August 17th, 2020. Here’s what he wrote:

The last sitting President to visit my hometown of Mankato, Minnesota was George W. Bush in 2004. As a high school teacher and football coach, I brought two fellow teachers’ children to the speech as an educational experience. We were denied entry…

because the students had previously volunteered for the democratic party. Having just returned from military duty in Italy in support of Operation Enduring Freedom I wished to hear directly from the President…

and my students, regardless of political party, deserved to witness the historical moment of a sitting president coming to our city. Above all, I was struck by how deeply divided our country was becoming that a veteran & a group of high schoolers would be turned away at the door.

It was at this moment that I decided to run for office. While I had a passion for politics, I had never been overly involved in political campaigns, and many people thought that a high school teacher and football coach didn’t stand a chance.

First things first: Walz was not a “high school football coach.”  He was an assistant coach. Secondly, his political origin story contains “significant inaccuracies,” according to an investigative report from the Washington Examiner:

This version of the political origin story for the Democratic vice presidential nominee, who is already facing “stolen valor” accusations over claims about his military service from combat veterans, contains significant inaccuracies.

For one, Walz was admitted into the Bush rally, according to a source familiar, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the August 2004 event. The two teenagers Walz arrived with, Matt Klaber and Nick Burkhart, were not his students, the Washington Examiner confirmed.

Moreover, the teenagers were barred from the event after a confrontation that made local news earlier in the week — leading to them initially being denied tickets.


He was looking for an origin story,” Chris Faulkner, a former Bush campaign staffer in Minnesota in 2004 who worked the August rally, told the Washington Examiner. “And he made one up.”

Like Joe Biden’s penchant for making up stories out of whole cloth (not to mention outright stealing other people’s family stories and claiming them for himself), Walz’s propensity to do the same raises bigger questions about what else he’s said about himself and his life that isn’t true.

While this one, in particular, isn’t as egregious as the ones related to the stolen valor allegations,  voters should ask themselves if they’re comfortable electing someone as vice president who simply can’t be trusted to tell the truth about himself or anything else.

After all, we’ve had nearly four years of it with Joe Biden. Do we really want four with Tim Walz who, in the event something — God forbid — happened to Kamala Harris, would be put in the position of president?

Question of the day.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Conservative Beaner | August 31, 2024 at 10:15 am

Walz lie.

He lied about his military service.

So of course he would lie about his entry into politics.

The thing about Vance is that he clearly laid out in intimate detail his early biography in the first chapter of Hillbilly Elegy long before he ever entered politics. It has been read by millions and is inedible. He doesn’t try to hide it or sugarcoat it. Yet, the left tries to cast it as inauthentic or inaccurate. I think that’s telling in and of itself.

    Peter Moss in reply to Peter Moss. | August 31, 2024 at 10:21 am


    Stoopid ottocorrect.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Peter Moss. | August 31, 2024 at 4:44 pm

    1. Many Dems come from a privileged background. They simply cannot relate to someone with a background like Vance’s.
    2. Dems believe disadvantaged people need government’s assistance just to tread water. They can’t comprehend how a disadvantaged person could possibly pull himself up. Therefore they reject the narrative as a fabrication because in their minds the story is preposterous.

This guy appears to be competing with Joe Biden to be the “VP with the most inaccuracies about his background”.

When confronted about his lies of carrying a weapon of war in combat and retiring as a Command Sergeant Major, he said, “My grammar is not always correct.”

It has nothing to do with telling the truth. It’s a matter of grammar.

He went on to say, “I’m incredibly proud of myself. I’ve done 24 years of wearing the uniform of this country.” Which is the same thing a person who served for 24 years on active duty would say. Walzing about the truth is another name for lying.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | August 31, 2024 at 10:50 am

What is it about Democratic Party politicians who must fabricate their entire being?

They gloss over their inadequacy by embellishing their accomplishments.

We all know Biden has told so many lies about his past, all before he mutated into Darth Dementia.

Walz has lied about his rank, his awards, his combat experience (he has none), his coaching position, and now his origin story about how he went into politics.

Then we have the Governor of Maryland Wes Moore, the Democratic Party up and comer, lying about receiving a Bronze Star. He claims his Battalion Commander told him to wear it and claim it. Then, oooops, he was never awarded the medal.

I have never worn a medal that I didn’t earn. I was told that I would get the Expeditionary Medal for my deployment to Somalia. Unfortunately, my team was repositioned from Mogadishu to Mombasa Kenya to clear the airfield for higher priority aircraft. That repositioning caused me to not meet the requirements to earn the medal, even though we continued to provide flights into Somalia.

I never claimed that I earned that medal, and I never wore it, although I spent more time on the ground in Somalia than many troops who were deployed there.

Apparently Walz brother is not happy old Timmy may be a heartbeat away from the presidency. In a Facebook post, Jeff Walz said this on his PUBLIC profile…

“The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future….Haven’t spoke to him in 8 years. I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology.”

Mandarin Candidate.

“I need a long nap; someone please wake me if Walz is ever caught telling the truth. Thanks…”
-Rip Van Winkle


Walz faking his life story like JR posts fake quotes.

Why is this any surprise? Democrats routinely have to lie about everything to get themselves elected.

Walz’s grammar seems to be fine; his veracity, not so much.

The only time Democrats tell the truth is in the rare instances when it suits their purposes.

E Howard Hunt | August 31, 2024 at 1:57 pm

As a classic sociopath he was obviously born into politics.

Both Biden and Walz are cut from the same BS’er personality cloth. For some reason they seem to feel that the truth is inadequate and needs embellishing to make a point. These are not a personality type that I would want any where close to the White House.

“The two teenagers Walz arrived with, Matt Klaber and Nick Burkhart… were barred from the event after a confrontation that made local news earlier in the week.”

As an adolescent Grimm, Burkhart had the misfortune of seeing GW Bush’s advance team unexpectedly woge into Lebensauger — a life (and underwear) changing experience.

“…when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love.”

This hasn’t been true for a long time. Dems believe that freedom is about a better life through bigger, more intrusive government. And although they’ve done well creating the latter, they really, really suck at the “freedom” and “better life” parts.

Maybe we’re trapped in the logic puzzle with 2 paths and 2 guards. One path leads to freedom, the other to death. One guard always tells the truth, one always lies. You have to choose a path. You can ask only one guard one question.

    Milhouse in reply to jolanthe. | September 1, 2024 at 9:49 am

    Oh, that one’s easy. Just ask either one, “If I were to ask the other guy which path to take, what would he tell me?”, and whichever one he says, take the other one.

      rhhardin in reply to Milhouse. | September 1, 2024 at 11:35 am

      You ask “Did you know they’re giving out free beer in freedomland?” Then follow him whatever he says.

      That takes care of the creative liar. You can’t trust a liar to lie all the time.

        Milhouse in reply to rhhardin. | September 3, 2024 at 8:24 am

        In real life you can’t trust a liar to lie all the time. Indeed the true moral of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is that even liars sometimes tell the truth.

        But the premise of the riddle is that both guards are under compulsions, one always to tell the truth, and the other always to lie. Any solution to the riddle must be based on that premise.

      henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | September 3, 2024 at 3:15 am

      “If I were to ask YOU which path to take” also works.

Trump should point out his own excellent piano playing talent. He’s another Truman or Nixon. Here Beethoven

Wow, this guy is going way beyond Biden and Al Gore. Gore claimed he invented the internet and he and Tipper were the inspiration for that sappy novel “Love Story” by Erich Segal. Biden, well, that’s just a whole pile of lies.

Walz? It’s “Reading Thru the Lyin’s”