Walz Slams Vance for Phantom Attacks on Military Service, Doesn’t Address Stolen Valor Issue
Vance responds: “But you shouldn’t have lied about it. You shouldn’t have said you went to war when you didn’t. Nor should you have said that you didn’t know your unit was going to Iraq.”

Presumptive Democratic VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz released an ad where he slams Republican VP candidate Sen. J.D. Vance for attacking his military service.
Except, you know, Vance never attacked Walz’s 24-year service in the National Guard.
Vance criticized Walz for lying about serving in combat.
Walz doesn’t address that criticism in the ad, which is the *actual* issue normal people have with Walz.
Walz’s ad:
I am damn proud of my service to this country. These guys have, are even attacking me for my record of service. And I just want to say, I’m proud to have served my country, and I always will be. With my dad’s encouragement, a guy who served in the Army during the Korean War, I signed up for the Army National Guard after my 17th birthday. I served for the next 24 years for the same reason all my brothers and sisters in uniform do: We love this country.
Then in 2005, I felt the call of duty again, this time being of service to my country in the halls of Congress. My students inspired me to run for that office, and I was proud to make it to Washington. I was a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and a champion of our men and women in uniform.
I’m going to say it again as clearly as I can: I am damn proud of my service to this country. And I firmy believe you should never denigrate another person’s record. To anyone brave enough to put on that uniform, for our great country, including my opponent, I just have a few simple words: Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Let me be clear: I am damn proud of my service to this country. pic.twitter.com/9a9rJSQurQ
— Tim Walz (@Tim_Walz) August 13, 2024
Vance responded:
Hi Tim, I thank you for your service.
But you shouldn't have lied about it. You shouldn't have said you went to war when you didn't. Nor should you have said that you didn't know your unit was going to Iraq.
Happy to discuss more in a debate.https://t.co/6vUlF9dBkJ
— JD Vance (@JDVance) August 13, 2024
My friend Brittany Cover had the best response.
She nailed it on the head.
The deflection by trying to say critics are attacking his service is proof that we’re right. If he didn’t ever lie and say he was in combat, he could just… say it. But trying to attack Republicans for denigrating military service? No one is buying that.
— Brittany (@bccover) August 13, 2024

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Just ask his Hitler loving imam how much of a patriot he is, when he’s not looking for snitches.
I fervently wish to offer an eloquent rejoinder to Mr. Walz’s charge but the best thing I can come up with is
🤡 🤡 🤡
“These guys have, are even attacking me for my record of service.”
No one attacked his record of service. They attacked him for lying about it. If you claim credit for something you didn’t do, you deserve to be attacked.
He’s lying about what Vance said. I am not surprised. That’s what Leftists do.
“I felt the call of duty again, this time being of service to my country in the halls of Congress.”
Translation: “I trained for 24 years to go to war, but when the call came, I felt the call to retire.”
Trump was set to go to war in Vietnam, but when the call came, he got 5 deferments because he was rich and politically connected. Which is worse? They are both losers.
For every Soldier that went to Vietnam there were six deferments. And by the way, if you really want to compare, Brandon the pedophile didn’t go either
There must’ve been a lot of rich and politically connected dudes because over 15 million men received deferments during the Viet Nam War.
Fair point about the draft era/Vietnam War era deferments. IMO they were a disgrace. How about we cash in those deferments and put the boomers to work in National Service? Let’s not limit it men either, gotta smash the ‘patriarchy’ said the bra burning boomer feminists so let’s hook up the boomer cat ladies with a tour of duty as well. Teachers needed lots of places, as are nurses, engineers, physicians and other occupations though these places ain’t the most desirable locations which is why a shortage exists.
What unit did you serve in, dingus?
Or did the Draft Board take a look at your useless ass and just mark you as 4F on the spot?
Get the hell out of here. Your TDS has rendered you a complete buffoon.
And quit upvoting yourself, douchenozzle. It’s tacky, just like you.
He got a deferment he wasn’t called to Vietnam scheisskop. Maybe he’d have gone to Korea or stayed stateside. But he didn’t embellish a career like the coward Walz.
In fact Trump experienced more fire that Tampon Tim.
Had the dainty mass murderer been at Butler he would have needed Tampons to plug his bunghole.
Trump was way too young at the time of Korea.
That’s easy. Walz is worse. Trump never lied and said he went to war.
When did Trump claim to have gone to war when he didn’t? Never – that’s when so your comparison is invalid.
Trump had 5 deferments from the draft, 4 for education and 1 for medical issues. Biden had 5 deferments for education. What is your point?
Like most of the rest in Congress, he decided to serve himself.
They’re actually attacking the part of his “record of service” that isn’t true.
Yes, and wrapped in that lie about being “in war” was an even bigger lie: Our soldiers carry the semi-automatic AR15 into battle.
“Dogs bark, donkeys bray, snakes slither, vultures vomit, and radical leftists lie. It is in their nature to do so.” ~ H.L. Richardson
“No one makes me bleed my own blood!”
If you broke your leg and couldn’t mow your lawn, JD Vance is the neighbor who would mow it for you. Walz would turn you in to the HOA for grass to high.
It’s the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth all over again.
A Guard or Reserve career that was spent entirely in the Guard or Reserve is less total time than a single, 4-year active-duty tour. One weekend a month and two-weeks a year is only 760-days for 20-years, plus whatever active-duty time is spent in boot camp plus the MOS school which for all but the technical MOSs are comfortably less than 6-months. It bothers me a bit when people talk about his ’24-year career.’ I spent more time on active-duty in combat zones than he spent on active duty his entire career, as MANY vets have who served from 2001 to 2016 have.
I point this out because unlike many other Guardsmen and Reservists who have served in the last two-decades who were deployed to Iraq and/or Afghanistan during multiple tours, Walz cut bait the minute the balloon went up and he did it while serving as the recently-promoted Sr. enlisted unit leader. I know a LOT of guys who could have retired but went on one more deployment because that was the honorable thing to do…including myself.
Newsflash, I was a traditional guardsman with 21 years. I never had a year that was one weekend a month and a two week summer camp. I had a 42 week initial training after Boot. I then got follow on MOB school and 6 weeks at JCSE at MacDill for specialty training. I did the weekend thing and my first exercise was a month at Brightstar in Egypt. Our Summer camps were typically 3 weeks. Add to that recalls or the quick activation to things like Righteous Cause where I spent 10 weeks in Panama. Or the time the USS Cole got hit, we sat around MacDill for 3 weeks before they told us to go home. Then 10 weeks of Desert Shield and then to get sent back a week before DS kicks off. After that a 3 moth Southern/Northern Watch tour every other year wile throwing in a couple of Brimfrost and Brightstars that were all 1 month deployments. One of those Brightstars was during 9-11 and the one month turned into 4. I was doing my final Southern Watch where I got a side trip to Bagram to install a Fiber cable down Main Street. That was before it became Disney. I got extended because OIF kicked off, I had a civilian job that closely related to the Commo job in my JCSS unit. I had my military training and the civilian job experience which put my skillset at a higher level than most Active Duty who usually exceeded minimal standards. CENTCOM knew that and called us up often as I left quite a few deployments off. I am a member of my local VFW because I qualify a couple of times over. What grinds my gears is that I do not qualify for VA benefits’.
I have 21 years total time. For days on duty are just over 8 years. As a civilian I have 9 years in the middle east with most of it in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you saw a satellite dish 2 meters or larger over there it is a good chance I installed or modified/upgraded it.
Legit question, what VA benefits do believe are being withheld? Did you help establish ‘signal hill’ at Liberty in Iraq?
You must have 2 years continuous Active Duty to qualify for VA benefits. I have 14 months.
Yes, as a civilian. I installed the DKET Satcom dishes. and most of the larger dishes.
I’m 90% certain that we’ve been in a continuous ‘wartime’ period since 1990. So, if you’ve been on active-duty (Title 10) for 90-days or more, you qualify for VA benefits. If you were called to active-duty under Title 32, I’m not exactly sure how that works. But, if you were deployed, it must have been Title 10 (because Goldwater-Nichols).
It isn’t accurate to say a National Guard or Reserve Soldier doesn’t qualify for VA benefits. As an example a 90 day tour of AD in GWOT is the minimum to get access to the post 9/11 GI Bill.
It is true that the 8 year minimum to qualify for ‘presumptive’ categorized medical injuries/conditions under VA disability will be an impediment. Of course any documented injuries or conditions occurring during any period of AD service is eligible for VA disability. Just as AD service members find out the VA disability process is very adversarial and the VA is often reluctant to accept less than overwhelming evidence that exceeds their criteria to establish a claim and receive disability benefits.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans did get 5 years of medical care eligibility at a VA facility from the date of last service in Iraq/Afghanistan. You qualify for a headstone at your grave. A drilling reservist qualifies for VA home loan. You qualify for a VA ‘pension’ if you end up 65+ at low income.
About the only benefit NG and reserve do not get is the presumption for disability which comes at the 8 year of service mark. If you have other VA benefits you can name which you name that reserve/NG are excluded from please educate me. Serious request. I think you may not be aware of your entitlement to many of these VA benefits.
There were two DKET 3 or 4 meter dishes over near the helipad by the clothes wash on Victory. At the DFCT with a table of helo pilots behind up I made the comment that the helo pilots must be getting their nuts fried off flying in the 3 gigga watt SATCOM beam. I was in front of the 3ID Commander latter that day. The pilots stopped flying through the beam.
My last deployment I ran ‘signal hill’ on Liberty. Had all the FM comms re-trans in Baghdad, the inter nodal links on old school LOS shots, Sat Dish…all kinds of crap. Walking up that bad boy 2x to 4x each day got old…not as old as the MiTT team I was on for 16 months in Ramadi in ’06 and ’07 to be sure still. Worst was playing ‘host’ and having to be set for visitors every day on ‘guided tour’. This was in 2010 as we were winding down and closing bases with lots of traffic through Liberty.
It is uncanny how many 25 S have daughters v Sons. Definitely something to do with the dish.
Rant off. I was in a specialty Joint Services unit of which there were only 2 in the Guard/Reserve system. There are more now. Our civilian carriers were jobs where we got passed over for promotions because we had so much active duty time. We often were the first to be laid off. The high deployment career fields were Satcom (me) and telephone switch. Many of those that were high deployable were “Guard Bums” pulling controlled tours or volunteering for backfill of deployed units or drug interdiction, government jobs, or farmers deploying in the no planting or harvesting seasons. I worked as a contractor at a cable TV teleport for many of those years.
FWIW, you must qualify for some/most of the VA benefits given the CV you’ve just laid out. The health care benefits changed (substantially) in the late 1990s. So, if you enlisted after 2000, you may only be eligible for health benefits for some period of time (I think it’s 5-years). If you enlisted before, it’s a lifetime benefit. But, with 42-weeks of active-duty training, you EASILY would have qualified for those as well as the VA home loan guarantee, GI Bill.
In any event, I absolutely understand that for a many technical billets, Guardsman and reservist can potentially serve a whole lot more time than weekends and ADT. But, for most others, not so much. Reading through Walz record, he didn’t have a lot of additional active time accumulated.
Enlisted in 84. I needed 2 years contiguous service. I only had 14 months. I do not qualify for VA services. I have beat this dead horse to no avail. I have contacted Congressmen and Senators about this and nothing has happened. My personal doctor is a VA doctor and he rates me as 80% disabled due to my military service.
Walz was a putz.
The presumption of linking a particular condition to military service does require 8 years. Any injury/condition documented to have occurred on AD is eligible for VA disability consideration past 90 days. So day 85 and a truck runs over you in the motor pool and you are SOL but if it occurs on day 91 suddenly you are eligible for VA disability. Strange system. You are however eligible for every other VA benefit.
“And I firmly believe you should never denigrate another person’s record.”
Got news for ya, Tampon Tim… it’s PERFECTLY acceptable to denigrate that record where it contains lies and falsehoods.
Ya damned Blue Falcon.
Then he should stop denigrating his own service by lying about it.
And then denigrates Vance’s? He’s an ass.
This sort of angry (and dishonest) aggression seems to be the Harris/Walz campaign’s whole strategy. It’s not a very good one but does suit their personalities.
Ya moron — to a Democrat, that IS “joy!”
/s 😝
When all they can do is deflect and intentionally misinterpret what being said, they’ve already lost the argument
But the argument only sways so many, nowadays. And many of those it does not sway vote blue.
No fair bringing up issues and pointing out the truth about the Harris/Walz record …those are mean…. just ask the EU. /S
It’s a bait and switch
Tampon Tim isn’t going to win this one
Herr Walz,
How many elderly citizens did you kill by converting your state’s nursing heims into German style death camps?
He clearly is not proud of his service or he wouldn’t feel the need to embellish it.
His Brigade commander, who he left hanging, had choice words about this guy, None good.
Some talented song writer/satiricist needs to write the Harris Walz, to some catchy (waltz-based) tune.
Even worse than the “stolen valor” was his actions as Commander in Chief of the Minnesota National Guard (a.k.a. Governor of the state).
He let the BLM rioter run wild for several days before taking any action, letting Minneapolis burn.
If that wasn’t bad enough, Kamala Harris raised bail money for the rioters who were finally arrested.
Who in their right mind would vote for the Harris-Walz ticket?
Will the Democrat Nation Convention Delegates wake up or stay “woke”?
And don’t forget him denigrating his own National Guard by calling them teenage “cooks.” Walz is so far beyond the pale that he can’t even see it from orbit.