Snopes Finally Debunks The “Very Fine People” Hoax, The Left Loses Its Collective Mind
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Snopes Finally Debunks The “Very Fine People” Hoax, The Left Loses Its Collective Mind

Snopes Finally Debunks The “Very Fine People” Hoax, The Left Loses Its Collective Mind

“while Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be ‘condemned totally'”

Back in 2017, Kemberlee wrote a post debunking the lie that Trump said that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville are “very fine people.”

It’s taken a long time, but Snopes finally got around to admitting that this statement — latched onto by the Biden campaign as well as by Democrats in Congress and on social media — was not only taken out of context but that he literally condemned neo-Nazis in the same response to a reporter’s question.

Snopes writes (archive link):

[Claim:] On Aug. 15, 2017, then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists who attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, “very fine people.”

[Rating:] False.

[Summary:] In sum, while Trump did say that there were “very fine people on both sides,” he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be “condemned totally.” Therefore, we have rated this claim “False.”

They are, of course, correct. But the left is losing their collective mind over Snopes, for the first time in ages, writing an honest fact check about Trump (or anyone or anything on the right).


So of course Democrats are losing their damned minds over Snopes, usually so reliably dishonest about anything related to the right, especially anything related to Trump, is finally — a mere seven years after the fact — telling the truth.

It is interesting to note:


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The battleground is being prepped for the contest this year to be Donald John Trump vs. DemoncRAT to be named at convention.

    BL771 in reply to gospace. | June 23, 2024 at 7:49 pm

    My apologies for similar comment below—I hadn’t seen your post when I wrote mine.

    diver64 in reply to gospace. | June 24, 2024 at 6:36 am

    It sure seems like it with the mop headed lesbian trotting out “cheap fake” and the MSM showing context even worse for Biden and now this. By constantly complaining about video of Biden stumbling around and the concentration on what just happened in a NY Court the Streisand Effect is going into overdrive.

    The timing of this by Snopes is good since it gives Trump ammunition to hit Bribem with.

    Fake Tapper will be the Candy Crowley at the debate, but Trump should be able to slip that in.

    I agree, this early debate is Biden’s last shot, he either holds it together on Thursday or not. If not, the Party of Choice will choose to get ride of Dementia Joe for re-election at the convention.

Strange timing. It should be shoved down Democrats’ throats.

Biden launched his his 2020 campaign saying: “The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime.”

Like so much else in his life, he knew it was false yet could care less in his criminal quest for power.

Will he leave if defeated?

    henrybowman in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | June 23, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    The current strategy is to have the Secret Service herd him into the phony Potemkin Oval Office they use for their video programs, and just let him stay there, daily pudding cup and all. That way, there will be no fuss because he won’t even realize he’s not still president.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to henrybowman. | June 24, 2024 at 1:59 am

      If they want Traitor Joe to still think he’s the President they need to confine him to the places where he spends most of his time – his illegally-gotten Delaware mansions. And they can put an old box with a bunch of papers in it marked “Double Top Secret” back in his garage.

    “The president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime.”

    Seems like Trump should use that in ads against Biden right now as it is what the Dems are doing.

      BierceAmbrose in reply to diver64. | June 25, 2024 at 1:46 am

      So, Gropey Joe is *for* the people standing against “hate”, like toppling statues, calling other people names? Those would be the neo-Nazis at that one.

So why would Snopes do this? Idk but seems like they’re clearing the decks

— in preparation for the full-on campaign to discredit DJT and MAGA that they know is coming.

And that they’re enthusiastically looking forward to participating in.

Bless your heart snopes

    healthguyfsu in reply to BL771. | June 23, 2024 at 9:45 pm

    Snopes was sold a bit ago and may be trying to increase traffic.

      henrybowman in reply to healthguyfsu. | June 24, 2024 at 2:19 pm

      IIRC, the original owner had a bit of a nearly-perpetual legal problem with things like contract fraud and infidelity… you know, exactly the sort of person you’d trust to run your favorite “fact-checking” website.

    Paula in reply to BL771. | June 24, 2024 at 9:44 am

    “So why would Snopes do this?”

    They’re afraid Elon Musk might buy it and clean it up like he did Twitter.

henrybowman | June 23, 2024 at 8:00 pm

Neo-Nazis are terrible people. Championing a Final Solution to exterminate all Jews. Genocide. How dare they.

Palestinian Muslims, on the other hand, are Very Fine People.
“There is only one solution: intifada revolution.”
Not AT ALL the same thing.

Biden better practice up his answer. He will definitely be asked. What will he conger up?

It’s not sufficient to say that the Biden campaign lied. The creep Biden loudly and publicly proclaimed that this lie was the impetus for his campaign. And he was never corrected by the media.

KJP: President Biden would never have used ‘Cheapfake’ editing to deeply mislead the American public. That is something only the right-wing does. … But, where has DJT been all these years with a transcript?

Is Snoopes being sued ?
Is this part of a settlement ?

Trump was extremely honorable in trying to avoid just a boilerplate speech and spoke to the local issue of the Robert E Lee statue in saying that there are fine people who support the monuments displaying Robert E Lee and fine people against his display as a hero.

Unfortunately it was also a foolish response. He should have addressed the Robert E Lee statue debate in a separate speech and stuck to boilerplate. I love Trump’s position it was actually my position, but media are Democrats and are actively trying to get you no matter how horrible a distortion/lie they have to make.

thalesofmiletus | June 23, 2024 at 9:30 pm

This response received widespread backlash; many claimed Trump had put neo-Nazis and counterprotesters on the “same moral plane.”

I think neo-nazis are retarded, but I would never insult them by putting them on the same plane as anarchists and communists.

    destroycommunism in reply to thalesofmiletus. | June 23, 2024 at 10:43 pm


    nazisand communists are both on the left and the schools msm etc continue to assign them to the right wing

    a pro american is not a nazi even if some retard(s) say they are

Joe Biden* has been a lying, pandering c*nt for literally 50 years. If he wasn’t a US Senator somebody would have smashed his lying mouth into shards of broken teeth a LONG time ago.

There are numerous reasons for Snopes to issue this “finding”, but an attempt at honestly setting the record straight is not one of them.

Mauiobserver | June 24, 2024 at 1:39 am

I suspect that some key people at Snopes have become disgusted with the virulent anti -semitic rhetoric and pro Hamas mobs on the left. As a result, they finally decided to expose the lie that Trump justifies and encourages racist and anti -semitic behavior from his supporters.

I am sure that there are some racists and antisemites that support Trump, but they pale in numbers and evil in comparison with the mobs of pro Hamas protestors. In fact, many leading Democrat politicians are rabidly anti-Israel led by Joe Biden and Barrack Obama.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | June 24, 2024 at 2:04 am

The left’s current position is that anyone who has any sort of disagreement with even a single one of the many, many deranged, lunatic, perverted, and treasonous ideas of the left is “a Nazi”!!!

I will say one place where Trump was dead wrong in his comment – there are no “good people” on the left. There haven’t been since 2008, when they went full-on anti-Western, anti-Human and set themselves to the goal of utterly destroying Western Civilization. There is no good person on that team.

    You are wrong. Most of those demonstrating against the “Unite the Right” rally were good and decent people, who were there to peacefully protest against white supremacists and neo-nazis. Just as most of those attending the rally were there to peacefully protest against the unilateral removal of statues just to pander to political extremists.

Snopes used to be a decent information source, back when it was just the Mikkelsons writing it all themselves, before their split. I remember it back from the AFU days, before the Internet. On political questions it would bend over backwards to give the leftist narrative the greatest possible benefit of any doubt, but it never outright lied. And political questions were only a tiny fraction of what they dealt with, anyway. As they used to say, they were Canadian and had no real interest in US politics, so why should they bother lying?

Then they started fighting, Barbara stopped writing, and David hired assistant writers who were more invested in US politics and were less invested in maintaining the site’s reputation for trustworthiness. David’s attention was increasingly taken up with his financial disputes, and while the site remained useful on non-political questions, it became unreliable as soon as politics were involved.

Maybe now that it’s been under new management for nearly two years, it’s finally being restored to its old integrity. Maybe.

    Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | June 24, 2024 at 8:26 am

    I remember it back from the AFU days, before the Internet.

    Correction: I meant to write “before the web”. The internet itself, of course, goes back to the ’70s,

    henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | June 24, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    A very accurate history, Snopes helped save hundreds of brain-dead lusers from being ripped off by Internet scams.

    tbonesays in reply to Milhouse. | June 24, 2024 at 11:21 pm

    Snopes should never have gotten into the business of “Did a politician really say that ______________” and then try to opine on which syntactic construction is valid. There are a hundreds of those a day and they don’t have much to do with urban legends.

    BierceAmbrose in reply to Milhouse. | June 25, 2024 at 1:52 am

    So, like Chomsky position on the NY Times: factual if you know how to read it?

So much damage has been done by the media and these evil “fact checkers” to ensure that the arc of history bends towards communism.

There are actually at least two separate Charlottesville hoaxes.

One is the idea that everyone at the Saturday rally was a nazi. As Kes Bretagne is quoted above:

Are y’all retconning us? Did I miss the non-Neo Nazi statue protestors? Were they hiding behind all the Nazis? Because otherwise there were counter-protestors and Nazis, who Donald Trump called “very fine people.”

Anyone who was actually paying attention at the time could easily see that the nazis and communists were small minorities on both sides of the protest/riot. Certainly the majority on both sides who remained peaceful were not nazis or communists, and even of those who actively defended themselves and others many/most on the right were not nazis, and probably the same was true on the left. I don’t know, since the aggressors were definitely on the left; but once the right started defending and counter-attacking there were likely many innocent defenders on the left.

The second hoax is that the rally on Saturday, that turned into a riot, involved people with torches shouting “The Jews will not replace us”. The truth is that that was a completely separate event that took place on Friday, and there were no innocents there, nor any lefties. Trump never commented on that event, probably because nobody ever asked him for his opinion of it.

    diver64 in reply to Milhouse. | June 24, 2024 at 6:42 am

    I was actually there as we don’t live that far away. I missed all the Nazi’s running around and was surprised to hear about them the next day. As usual with many of the protests Ive gone to in DC and other places there are a few nuts on both sides, more violent on the left it seems to me, but the overwhelming majority of people just want someone in government to hear their voices

      Milhouse in reply to diver64. | June 24, 2024 at 8:31 am

      Yeah, apparently the nazis had their own event the previous evening. But there were certainly people on the right who came to the rally armed and ready for trouble; of course not all of those were nazis, some were simply people who anticipated trouble. But once the riot started (there’s no question that it was started by unprovoked Antifa violence) you can see people who are not just defending but enthusiastically carrying the fight to the enemy; I assume many of those were nazis.

      And there were also definitely white supremacists among the organizers of the rally in the first place. That does not reflect on those who attended because they genuinely supported the cause.

I was always disappointed that he deplored Neo-Nazis. You can talk to anybody and he was saying you can’t.

Aside from that they were obviously FBI agents anyway. Who organizes Tiki-Torch demonstrations.

“The Jews will not replace us” sounded to me like “You will not replace us,” referring to immigration. What have Jews to do with statues of Robert E Lee?

McGehee 🇺🇲 FJB | June 24, 2024 at 7:26 am

Small loss. Many primitive creatures can survive the loss of their entire heads.

Lots of people from across the political spectrum project their own interpretation of what someone did or what they thought was being communicated v what was actually done or said. Whenever the condemnation is accompanied by ad hominem attacks ‘X person is bad’ without specific quotes in context it is almost always BS. X person said Y about Russia ergo they are a tool of Putin or said Y about foreign aid or Z about placing the security and economic well being of the USA as a higher priority than other Nations are examples of this.

    Danny in reply to CommoChief. | June 25, 2024 at 11:06 am

    I am highly interested in you producing the example when Ben put America last and betrayed America or advocated and helped create open borders for illegal immigrants?

    I am highly interested.

    Because if Ben’s treason isn’t there than Tucker Carlson declaring it to be so is just classic anti-Semitism (remember Dreyfus?).

    The reason AOC is an anti-Semite is we don’t believe her when she claims Jews are intimidating congress and holding it hostage.

    I don’t believe Tucker that support for Israel makes you disloyal to America.

Wow, it only took them four goddamn years. Wonder why the Communists are coming straight now?

Given that Snopes is very left-wing, this is really news.

destroycommunism | June 24, 2024 at 12:13 pm

the year is 2087


yes we admit that the 2020 election was stolen

but it was a matter of safety that we kept that information “unknowledged”

Media conspire to distort record on Trump.

Snopes – ‘We will debunk that, but recant in 5 years.’