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Republicans Pounce on EcoHealth Alliance President’s Testimony on COVID Origins

Republicans Pounce on EcoHealth Alliance President’s Testimony on COVID Origins

Peter Daszak suggests U.S. sent money to Wuhan lab despite knowing the Chinese army was using the facility to make bioweapons,

There is a famous adage that when Republicans screw up, that is the story; when Democrats screw up, the Republican reaction is the story.

Legal Insurrection readers will recall our coverage of EcoHealth’s bat virus research in Wuhan and the history of its President Peter Daszak, as it pertains to the origins of the novel coronavirus that spread worldwide. As a reminder:

Daszak was in charge of organizing the infamous Lancet article used to assert the coronavirus was from a natural source and deem lab-leak proposals as conspiracy theories. He arranged for over 20 scientists to sign the document.

….Weren’t they even slightly suspicious when the person organizing the letter in The Lancet was none other than the deeply conflicted Dr. Peter Daszak, head of green nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance?

Daszak had been collaborating for 15 years with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which we know was conducting dangerous Frankenstein research, known as “gain of function,” on bat coronaviruses, which makes them more lethal and more infective to humans.

He co-authored papers with Shi Zhengli, the head of the Wuhan research team, and he funneled part of the $100 million in US government funding he received to her lab.

Yet despite his compelling vested interest to absolve the lab of involvement in the pandemic, Daszak drafted the Lancet letter and convinced 26 others to sign it, emails released under the Freedom of Information Act revealed last year.

Now, he is offering testimony to the House Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic, indicating the intelligence community was aware of the coronavirus experiments carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology years before the pandemic.

This certainly looks bad for Big Government bureaucrats and the elite media entities that continuously derided the “lab origin” theory of the COVID-19 virus as a “conspiracy theory.”

So, naturally, the American press is focused on the Republican reaction to Daszak’s testimony. The New York Times reported that Republicans pounced on Daszak’s statements.

House Republicans demanded on Wednesday that the president of a virus-hunting nonprofit group be criminally investigated and barred from federal research funds, a sharp escalation in their campaign against scientists in the United States who Republicans have suggested either had links to the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic or obscured its true beginnings.

During a heated three-hour hearing of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Republican lawmakers at times raised their voices at the nonprofit’s leader, Peter Daszak, and said that they believed that he would fare poorly as a defendant in criminal court.

The nonprofit, EcoHealth Alliance, which receives federal funding to study global threats from wild animal viruses, has faced suspicion over a proposal that it made in 2018 to team up with Chinese scientists on novel coronavirus experiments that Republicans believe could have led to the pandemic, despite that project’s never receiving funding.

While the disease caused by the virus was undoubtedly unpleasant, the policies foisted on a large swath of the global population were destructive. Many people (in addition to the congressional panel members) are justifiably angry at the arrogant band of scientists who seemed to have thoughtlessly enhanced the transmissibility of a bat virus that was known to cause pneumonia in humans.

Daszak’s statements included the troubling fact that the freezers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology contain over 15,000 virus samples belonging to the U.S. government.

The government sent money to the Chinese facility despite concerns that the WIV was being by the Chinese government to manufacture bioweapons, according to Dr Daszak’s testimony.

Further, the researcher said the WIV is astonishingly still in possession of 15,000 samples of other coronaviruses that may belong to the US government through past taxpayer-funded research.

Dr Daszak told the subcommittee: ‘To the last of my knowledge, [samples] were in the freezers in Wuhan – over 15,000 of them.’

The EcoHealth President was asked if U.S. intelligence agencies knew of the Chinese facility’s risky coronavirus research. Daszak hinted that this had been the case.

When asked if he knew whether the US intelligence services knew the Wuhan lab was being used to manufacture bioweapons, Dr Daszak responded: ‘Two agencies I think have low-to-moderate confidence that there was some activity.

He added: ‘The other agencies were unable to comment.’

Some of Daszak’s video clips are very troubling. Rep. James Comer (R-KY) had Daszak explain his relationship with American intelligence agencies in one exchange. The researcher claimed he was contacted by the FBI, CIA, and Defense Intelligence Agency, but he didn’t have a “standing relationship” with them.

Daszak clings to the phrase “standing relationship” when Comer asks if he is an informant.

In another exchange, Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) detailed major discrepancies between the initial draft of the year five progress report and the version ultimately submitted to the National Institute of Health.

Apparently, the initial presentation of information from EcoHealth indicated there was no significant spillover of bat viruses into humans. Later drafts indicated this did occur.

Congressional hearings are undoubtedly important.

But so is a means of enforcing consequences on everyone involved in creating this virus, covering up the lab leak origins, and willfully imposing destructive pandemic policies even after realizing they weren’t based on science and were completely ineffective.


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So no real news, just a confirmation of what we already knew. The government lies about everything, should never be trusted on anything

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Ironclaw. | May 6, 2024 at 9:05 pm

    The Republicans need to immediately write a strongly worded letter to deal with the deaths of thousands of people. That should be effective in keeping bad actors from creating and releasing a pandemic level disease in the future.

    henrybowman in reply to Ironclaw. | May 6, 2024 at 10:08 pm

    Daszak’s testimony confuses me. He was proven to be complicit in funding this GOF activity. What’s his incentive to implicate the intelligence community? Is this a lame “only following orders” defense? Is he about to claim he was extorted: “Enhance this bat or we’ll kill your dog?”

    I don’t doubt the IC was complicit, I just don’t understand why the whistleblower is Daszak.

      BartE in reply to henrybowman. | May 7, 2024 at 9:24 am

      Probably doesn’t make sense because none of the right wing narrative actually makes sense. Eco health do joint research then the US gov doesn’t blame the Chinese at all for a pandemic? No credible scientist actually supports the lab leak theory, and the scientists involved are on record being worried about it but then dismiss it due to the science but then what they just double down because what? GOF has been thoroughly misused as a term, it’s not clear to me the eco health funding did end up being GOF research at all.

      The reality is there is poor evidence for the claims involved, anyone who claims to be certain of anything is just an example of Dunning kruger

CommoChief | May 6, 2024 at 3:29 pm

Wait.. we were supposed to be pouncing this week? I thought this week we were supposed to ‘seize upon’?/S

    GWB in reply to CommoChief. | May 6, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    I want someone to do a graphic of a cat-like elephant – back arched, tail swishing, ears twitching – as if it’s about to pounce. I think that would make a great sometimes symbol/meme for these things.

    LeftWingLock in reply to CommoChief. | May 7, 2024 at 12:59 am

    “Sieze upon” was last week and “pounce” was the week before. This is “attack” week.

      CommoChief in reply to LeftWingLock. | May 7, 2024 at 9:04 am

      But when is the ‘militia training up in the mountains’ Auntie Maxine told us about? How we gonna attack w/o training?

Wuhan chemistry cooked up by Chi-coms abetted by the commies running the show in America. Mission? To keep Trump from winning the election. If that isn’t TREASON, what is?

What are they cooking up for the next election?

Just remember, no Fauci, no COVID,..

Lucifer Morningstar | May 6, 2024 at 4:23 pm

Nothing new here to see. Just more blah, blah, blah and ya, ya, ya from Republicans repeating over and over again what we all fecking already know about the who, what, and where of the origins of the sars-cov-2 virus. Wake me up when they do something different. Like arrest Daszak and the others responsible for the sars-cov-2 virus and the pandemic that killed thousands if not millions across the globe. But that won’t ever happen. It’ll all just disappear the day after the Nov. 2024 presidential election. Guaranteed.

    destroycommunism in reply to Lucifer Morningstar. | May 6, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    the gop is complicit in the lefts dominance of america

    and “act” horrified when the cameras are rolling


    Trump endorsed Fauci. He took the jab himself, and he told all of his MAGA Trump supporters to take the jab. Then Trump gave Fauci a Presidential Commendation award for Fauci’s work to combat Covid.

      DaveGinOly in reply to JR. | May 6, 2024 at 7:28 pm

      Cool. Now condemn Biden for continuing to advocate for the use of the “vaccines” and who hasn’t banned their use, despite what is now known about them, and not merely suspected, and whose DOJ is, at this moment, doing nothing about Daszak, Fauci, and others involved in creating the pandemic and then lying about their roles in the catastrophe. But you won’t do that because your role here is to discourage people from supporting Trump, and not to acknowledge Biden’s part in the ongoing cover-up.

        Dimsdale in reply to DaveGinOly. | May 7, 2024 at 9:11 am

        Do we even know if Biden et al. even actually took the “vaccine?”

        Clear liquids all look alike. I could just as easily have been saline.

        We know Pres. Trump was deliberately being deceived, and we know that Biden is corrupt.

          BartE in reply to Dimsdale. | May 7, 2024 at 1:32 pm

          We have a pretty good idea since he had covid and it didn’t do that much to him, unlike Trump.

        BartE in reply to DaveGinOly. | May 7, 2024 at 1:30 pm

        What’s now known is that the vaccines were and are safe and effective. This has been demonstrated over and over again, the stats clearly show this, the scientific literature clearly shows this, the fact that anti vaxxers have been caught lying over and over clearly shows this.

          CommoChief in reply to BartE. | May 7, 2024 at 2:09 pm

          So you are claiming what by ‘effective’, the same as the public health community claimed; ‘if you get the Jab you won’t get Covid’? Nah wasn’t true but they lied anyway. Maybe you meant ‘if you get the Jab you won’t transmit Covid to others’? Another lie by public health community.

          If the Jab doesn’t confer Covid immunity for those getting the Jab nor prevent those with Jab from passing on/transmitting Covid to others….what makes it an effective vaccine?

          Finally there seem to be a large number of reported injuries from the Jab and a huge effort to downplay and under report the total count, manipulate how they are counted (guy gets the Jab today/dies 48 hours later from heart issues/myocardial but that death is NOT attributed to Jab but instead listed as ‘unvaxed death’.

          How about we release all the data, all the govt, corporate and media communications related to Covid, vax/jab how to code deaths and hospitalization, efficacy claims and proof if any of these claims as well as death certificate info and any financial incentives or disincentive to shade the truth? Put it all out in the open. Especially from those arguing we needed to wait 75 years to release it.

          bhwms in reply to BartE. | May 8, 2024 at 12:27 pm

          What alternative universe are you living in? Go back and read “” and other so-called “fact checkers” from 2022 and see how their “fact checks” stand up to current understanding. We were lied to – by Fauxci and Birx in 2020, and by Fauxci & the entire Biden administration 2021 on.

          1) They have not been proven “safe.” AstraZeneca admits their shot can lead to blood clots.

          2) They are anything but effective. Just the number of boosters should tell you that. Pfizer admitted they never tested the shot for blocking transmission, yet Fauxci and the MSM repeated that lie over and over.
          Here’s one letter that was published before the journal clampdown began:

          3) The statistics have been manipulated, and even then, they do not “clearly show” the jab is “safe and effective.” A deep dive into the statistics shows the FDA and CDC have gone to great lengths to hide what is really going on – things like making sure that manufacturing lots of the shot are spread across the country, rather than being shipped to one area to avoid “hot spots” of vaccine injury. Why?

          4) We also learned that the “scientific literature” is being manipulated – editors rejecting papers that don’t follow the approved narrative, and allowing papers that have been shown to be flawed on multiple fronts.
          Dissent was quashed. Doctors were deplatformed for “misinformation” for stating their informed opinions on why they thought differently than the “consensus.”

          5) The current thinking in the medical community has been “evidence-based medicine” for at least a decade or two. Yet, it was clear to many observers that something was wrong when medical leaders and huge numbers of medical providers ignored plain evidence because it didn’t fit the orthodoxy. Media talking heads repeated lies over and over, shifting the narrative over time without realizing that in order for their current line to be true they had to be lying about what they “definitively knew” the last time. Or they realized it and are just that corrupt. This situation has led to some good self-introspection of medical care as a whole – how doctors are trained, how they treat, the push to prescribe treatment (usually drugs) for treating symptoms, rather than curing the ailment. I don’t know if this movement will catch on, but it is encouraging.

          6) There are “anti-vaxxers” and “anti-Covid Vaxxers.” Don’t conflate them. There are very good reasons to be “anti-Covid Vax.” What is interesting is that the investigation and deep dives into VAERS and other government/Big Pharma connections has led to some discoveries about how the government has been shielding the drug companies from scrutiny over vaccine injuries from other vaccines, such as the aforementioned “spreading out the lots” practice. The vaccine schedule being pushed into young children increases regularly, even for things that have little to no chance of being an issue at that age. And we allow government schools to dictate what should be a Parent & Doctor decision.

          I will not be surprised at all if in the coming years, we find out that many people displaying aberrant behavior, compared to boomers, are doing so because of vaccine-related brain injuries that occurred when they were small children.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JR. | May 6, 2024 at 9:15 pm

      Fûck off child molester.

destroycommunism | May 6, 2024 at 4:25 pm

globalists wantttt the chinese in charge so they can keep THEIR OWN people afraid and under their push for marshal law…all for your own good

we should fear communism and nazism right here in this country

but the uniparty has said american leftists are different than the “other” ones


So, these clowns used US funds to shuttle money to China where they could do research in conjunction with the Chinese Government that was banned and knew that the Chinese Military was involved. The Corporate Press is ignoring this as best as they can focusing on Noem shooting a dangerous dog 20yrs ago or something while ignoring Fauci torturing puppies to death with sand fleas in Africa again because that stuff was banned here.

E Howard Hunt | May 6, 2024 at 6:28 pm

Bring back the gibbet.

Republican hearings accomplish nothing… Every Republican on that panel is careful not to pounce too hard or else the FBI or CIA will pounce back harder and they’ll be joining Rep. Cuellar in the Federal Court docket.

While I think it is far too late, the real question is what is happening with the 15K viruses presently at Wuhan? They should be incinerated.

Second, what about the secret virus labs the ChiComs have set up in the U.S.?

I hear nothing about that anymore.