Saturday Night Live Alum Jon Lovitz Calls Out Bernie Sanders and the ‘Squad’ for Their Anti-Israel Positions
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Saturday Night Live Alum Jon Lovitz Calls Out Bernie Sanders and the ‘Squad’ for Their Anti-Israel Positions

Saturday Night Live Alum Jon Lovitz Calls Out Bernie Sanders and the ‘Squad’ for Their Anti-Israel Positions

“And [Sanders is] saying, you know, we shouldn’t have money for, you know, fund Israel, you know, and the Squad, those people… It’s no secret they’re horribly antisemitic”

Former Saturday Night Live performer Jon Lovitz is calling out the far left of the Democratic party over their anti-Israel stance. I don’t believe that Lovitz is a conservative, but he is clearly not a progressive either.

It’s refreshing to see someone in the entertainment industry take this position on the issue.

FOX News reports:

‘SNL’ alum unleashes on ‘disgusting’ Bernie Sanders, ‘horribly antisemitic’ Dem Squad over Israel opposition

Comedic actor and outspoken Israel supporter Jon Lovitz went on a tear against Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and members of the Democratic “Squad” for their opposition to the Jewish State.

Lovitz, who is Jewish, declared Sanders the “best example” of a “self-loathing Jew,” calling him “disgusting,” and mocked how the senator describes himself as a “Democratic Socialist” versus being a communist.

“That’s like asking me, ‘Are you Christian?’ ‘No, no, I’m a Jew for Jesus.’ Well, that’s what it is,” Lovitz told Fox News Digital in an interview. “You know the difference between a communist and a Democratic Socialist? A Democratic Socialist is somebody you vote for, and then they take all your money and give back what they think you need. A communist — they just appoint themselves. There’s no election and they do the exact same thing. That’s the only difference.”

“And [Sanders is] saying, you know, we shouldn’t have money for, you know, fund Israel, you know, and the Squad, those people… It’s no secret they’re horribly antisemitic,” he said.

He mocked Sanders for having three homes despite his $174,000 salary as a senator.

“‘That’s normal.’ No, it isn’t. Not on that salary,” Lovitz said while showcasing his Sanders impersonation.

“All my friends that are Jewish, like, they go, Bernie Sanders, self-loathing Jew. You know, what’s wrong with this guy? And that’s what that is. ‘Oh, that’s not true.’ Yeah, it is. Yeah, you are. ‘I don’t like it when people make money. It’s not right. They should only make so much. And then it’s enough.’ Well, you have three homes. You should just have one. ‘That’s none of your business.'”

Watch the video below. Lovitz is very well-spoken and even understands the BDS movement. He also does a great Bernie Sanders impression.

Lovitz has also been very outspoken about this issue on his TwitterX feed.

Featured image via FOX News video.


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He’s much more conservative than you know

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to gonzotx. | November 23, 2023 at 7:13 pm

    I know. And, you know I know, so, we both know. You know?

    JohnSmith100 in reply to gonzotx. | November 23, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    I know that it is about how wealth is acquired, Musk, Tucker, Trump are good examples of earned income, and the we have Clinton’s, Obama’s. Biden’s, Soros, are all examples of unearned wealth.

Why are Jews only noticing this stuff now? The same thing happens every couple of years, Sure, it is a lot more blatant now, but it ain’t new

The “I’m not a communist” game.

Thumbnail labels:

Democratic Socialists are doctrinaire Marxists.
Bolsheviks were Leninist-Marxist Maximalists.
Mensheviks were Marxist Minimalists.
Progressives are bourgeois democratic socialists.
Maoists are Leninist-Marxist Maximalists.

We’re now experiencing the leading edge of Bolshevik hyper-violence; mob looting, street beatings, property destruction.

The Squad is race-ethnic based Maoism.
Wokeism/BLM is Bolshevism.
Black Bloc, Antifa Anarchism is Bolshevism.

Yeah! That’s the ticket!

    JohnSmith100 in reply to henrybowman. | November 24, 2023 at 12:50 am

    There is speculation that there may be a Trump Tucker Carlson ticket. I really like both of them.

    Fred Garvin, MP in reply to henrybowman. | November 24, 2023 at 9:50 am

    HenryBowman: Touché. You probly deserve more upvotes but maybe it’s an age-specific thing.
    (I don’t want to jinx it but some of the comments on this site are quite entertaining)

Recall Michael J. Totten and his excellent Iraq war dispatches? His articles at World Affairs Journal were somewhat hit and miss. He went insane over the Trump campaign, joined the Bill Kristol crew at The Bulwark and went on to write about inconsequential topics at City Journal and Quilette. What he didn’t report about was Portland’s descent into Red Guard oblivion. Okay, he wrote about it – in a very oblique fashion; it took two months to sell his downtown Portland home. Golly.

Turns out he’s one of those upper middle class democrats who talk like “well, the riots could’ve gone either way; nazi or disaffected progressives,” and simply refuses to acknowledge the reality beating on his forehead. That quote is a paraphrase, but a fair one. He took a bath on the sale of his home. Fled to Salem, and just wants to talk about hiking. Jump 30% into the podcast to save time.

Listen to a 2021 Podcast by Quilette:

I never know what to think about anything until Jon Lovitz weighs in. Dolly Parton’s views are also essential.

    Fwiw Lovitz has imho shown himself to be a pretty thoughtful guy over the years . Certainly not attention-whore. E.H.H. — I’d bet that you and he would probably agree about a lot

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 24, 2023 at 9:45 pm

    I just enjoy occasionally being reminded that not every genetic-lottery winner in Hollywood is a flaming Marxist.
    Not that Lovitz won any genetic lottery, he got there on pure intellectual talent.

The Real Truth | November 24, 2023 at 2:38 pm

Jon Lovitz is not one of my favorite comedians, but he is 100% right in his comments. Hamas is a Barbaric and Evil Terrorist group, and if you are on THEIR side, you are on the WRONG side. The people on the Squad are on the side of Hamas and show that they are Racist, prejudiced, antisemitic people with NO compassion or Soul ! Israel is 100% RIGHT in responding to that massacre of their people, and any person that disagrees with that is a very ignorant, and uneducated human being !