Oakland Restaurants Dissolving Due to Car Thefts, People Feeling Unsafe Walking Downtown
Menawhile, signatures are being gather to recall Soros-backed Alameda Co. DA Pamela Price, who recently was a victim of the area’s rampant crime problem.
California’s cities are continuing to lose the battle against crime. The UK Daily Mail did an in-depth review of business owners in Oakland who are on the front lines of this struggle.
Derreck Johnson, owner of Home of Chicken and Waffles, said: ‘Every day we struggle with not wanting to lay off our employees.
‘I had a group from Miami get robbed at gunpoint on a Saturday afternoon, all their jewelry taken. That should not be my priority. That should not be my job, to make sure that my customers are safe while they’re walking the streets in Oakland.’
Many of Johnson’s patrons have had their luggage stolen from their cars, or been robbed at gunpoint while coming in and out of the restaurant.
The total number of armed robberies in Oakland this year have reached 1282, which equates to a 43 percent rise since this time last year.
At the same time, vehicle thefts are up nearly 50 percent, and home invasions by 65 percent – and Oakland police say they’ve arrested seven people in a special operation that targets car thieves.
One of the business owners likened the area to a battleground during the Vietnam War.
Speaking with several local news outlets over the weekend, Bruce Vuong, a Vietnamese national who owns an auto shop blocks from where the woman was brutalized, compared the area to his country during its infamous war.
Ironically, the neighborhood is already named Little Saigon.
‘Oakland has become a warzone,’ Vuong, who has owned and operated Quality Tech Automotive Shop on International for 35 years, told ABC’s local affiliate.
Meanwhile, the whole Bay Area is seeing a cool-down in the housing market.
A new study suggested that the Bay Area’s housing market was seeing one of the nation’s largest cooldowns, as 13 local cities were among a list of the top 18 U.S. spots, where home prices were falling.
The analysis by financial technology company, SmartAsset, ranked cities by the largest percent drop of the typical home value between the time period of May 2023 and May 2022.
In response to the losses in business and home values, area residents are now taking the same approach other Californians took. We reported that a recall drive against Soros-backed District Attorney Pamela Price was being organized in August.
The movement has now been funded, and signatures are now being gathered.
The group leading the effort to recall Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price began collecting signatures Sunday.
“People will know that it is time for us to start the recall,” said Brenda Grisham, an Oakland Peace activist and one of the leaders of the recall effort.
The group is called SAFE — Save Alameda For Everyone. They claim Price has been too lenient on crime since taking office.
“The focus of the DA’s department is not just to set aside the families who have lost loved ones,” Grisham said. “You have to work with these families in order to make a difference and help other families, and we just have had enough of it.”
It appears residents are not happy with Price’s idea of “criminal justice reform.”
“I’ve been seeing and experiencing the crime wave in Oakland, and I do believe that it’s directly related to the D.A. and her policies on restorative justice,” said Evelyn Gibbe, who signed the recall petition on Sunday.
Gibbe was among a number of signees who told KTVU that Price’s handling of criminal cases had motivated them to come out.
“I’ve lived in Oakland for 30 years, and it’s never been as bad as it is now,” said Robert Madera, part of a steady stream of county residents signing the petition.
“Frankly, I’m just afraid to come over into Oakland, I’m afraid to come over, and I’m a marine,” said Willie Wood, who lives in Alameda.
Price, who was elected with 53 percent of the vote last year after campaigning on a platform of criminal justice reform, continued to defend her record this week.
Interestingly, the crime spree recently hit Price.
The work laptop belonging to Alameda County, Calif. District Attorney Pamela Price was stolen from a security team SUV last week, ABC 7 news reported.
The alleged theft occurred outside the Family Justice Center where the SUV was parked just after 3:00 p.m. Price was there attending a domestic violence event.
Security personnel returned to the $90,000 SUV to find the windows smashed. Several items, including her work laptop, were missing. Price called police and reportedly waited for over an hour for assistance before giving up and filing an online report over the theft.
Hopefully, the area’s voters will be better informed about what “criminal justice reform” really means and make better choices before they continue to descend into dystopian oblivion.
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Isn’t this the same chucklehead who recently tried to lecture about criminal law and its procedures in the “I’m just a Bill” format and the constituents weren’t having any of it?
I know it’s politically incorrect to point out the obvious but look at the makeup of the area. It is the same all over the country. Any big city with a large black population has a very high crime rate and with the new cashless bail, criminals are back on the street the same day of their latest crime. This is not a condemnation of black people but of poorly run cities where they are a large part of the population. When there is no punishment for any crime, then criminals feel no fear of being caught. Take the two morons who ran down a bicyclist in NV for fun and FILMED it! They thought they would get a slap on the wrist and be “Out” in 30 days. Does that tell you the mentality of the modern criminal about fear of the law?
inspectorudy posted:
“I know it’s politically incorrect to point out the obvious but look at the makeup of the area. It is the same all over the country. Any big city with a large black population has a very high crime rate.”
It’s not “politically incorrect”. Your post is racist. Whites, on average, commit more crimes in the U.S. than blacks. But white criminals commit “white crimes” so they go to white collar “resort” prisons, But black criminals go to prisons where you are killed or raped.
Hmmmm, please explain.
Why do we not see roving bands of white ravaging stores?
Why do we not see wholesale closure of pharmacies and stores outside of predominantly black areas?
Must be “racism.”
What a tool you are.
Black males, 15-39, account for about 3%of the population and commit about 55% of all murders and about half of all violent crime.
You need to spend time in the hood.
That’s just a laughable, straight up lie.
No, ‘on average’ whites do NOT commit more crimes. Blacks commit far, FAR more crimes on average, by the laughably biased FBIs own statistics. Whites commit slightly more crimes IN TOTAL, but that’s because there around 4x as many whites as blacks.
If you removed black crime from the crime statistics the US would be one of the safest countries in the world.
If you’re going to spew liberal lies,
That’s even when calling every illegal white. Or the latest trend of obviously black people simply being labeled white.
I think JR is saying that 99% of white people cheat on their taxes, but since a smaller percentage of black people file taxes, even if 99% of them cheated, it would still be less than the white people.
That’s called fudging the denominator in my book. Maybe JR would have preferred to say “any big city with a large black population has a very high violent crime rate” – since his implication is that violent crime is somehow “black crime”…which, I dunno, sounds pretty racist to me.
Observing a statistical fact isn’t racist.
Incarcerate the thugz.
Even on your own terms I don’t think your stats are correct.
But more importantly, you are implying that all crimes are created equal and ought to be treated the same, and that the disparate treatment is down to race. Thus the reason some crimes get you sent to the safe prisons and some to the dangerous ones is because the former are mostly committed by white people and the latter by black ones. You also imply that how safe or dangerous a prison is, is independent of who gets sent there.
Neither of these implications is true. The classification of crimes has nothing to do with who tends to commit them. Non-violent criminals get sent to low-security prisons because the nature of their crimes means they don’t need to be kept at high-security ones. Sending them there would just be vindictive.
And the reason prisons for nonviolent offenders are safer than those for violent ones is only because the people who are sent there are nonviolent. If you were to start sending violent criminals to those prisons they would immediately become more dangerous, while if you were to start sending nonviolent criminals to the prisons currently housing violent ones they would immediately become safer.
So not only is none of it based on race, it’s not even based on bias against violent criminals. They are not sent to dangerous prisons; they make their prisons dangerous.
“Whites, on average, commit more crimes in the U.S. than blacks.”
A common leftist statistical lie, based on comparing absolute numbers of crimes instead of rates, when the percentages of whites and blacks in the population are nowhere near comparable.
Nope! From the FBI’s own statistics blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 35% of violent crime reported, 33% of non-violent crime and 36% of serious non-violent crime like rape, assault etc. Whites commit more total crimes because they comprise 60% of the population but as a percentage of their cohort it is 14% less at 46%.
Blacks and hispanics comprise about 31% of the population but commit 54% of the crime.
YOU can’t handle the truth.
Facts are stubborn things. And here’s a fact, you’re a fool.
Half of all violent crime is committed by a portion of the 13% that is the black community. All groups are more likely to be killed by blacks.
JR: Bull. The black per capita crime rate is much higher than the white rate.
Oakland is only 33% white nowadays. It is past the point of no return, 3rd world ghetto.
There are numerous streets in Oakland which, on any given day, have no crimes reported to the police. This, on the whole, Oakland seems like it is mostly peaceful.
Yeah, no crimes reported to police doesn’t mean no crime.
Like a weather forecast.
Partly Antifa, with a chance of BLM.
Losing the battle? Is that a joke?
They’ve unconditionally surrendered. There is no ‘battle’ being fought at all.
I hazard a guess that she is too deep into the blame game to realize where crime is coming from. There is a large portion of the black population that has failed as a sustaining part of society though government initiatives since the 1960’s. A fatherless matriarchal culture with feral offspring is adrift and allowed to continue. This is not just a black issue but they are the harbinger of all things cultural marxism has in store.
No empathy for the voters who voted to put Leftist, Soros backed prosecutors in office and who backed other Leftists who voted for gun control. What these Leftists voters have done is given up their right to defend themselves against criminals who do have guns, and we who give a rats arse about control (indeed they welcome it). These voters have also made themselves a target of these prosecutors who rush to prosecute when they defend themselves while allowing the perps to walk scot-free with cashless bail (an oxymoron). Welcome to Orwell’s world.
I hate to have come to the same point. The voters are getting exactly what they voted for, good and hard.
If the good, law abiding, black families in the inner city want to improve their lives, they should move out to MAGA country, and start voting republican. The safest place for a black family is in a deep red county, and the most dangerous place for a black family is in a deep blue city.
California is not ‘the place you outta be’. They would better advised to load up the truck and move to somewhere sane but leave the Cray Cray ideology behind.
One solution to what happens when you don’t put criminals in a secure area with armed guards, is to put yourself in a secure area with armed guards.
That is only reserved for the BIG club, of which you nor I belong.
Who knew there were still restaurants in Oakland.
It was okay as recently as 1968. It used to be the eastern terminus of a MATS DC-6 flight across the Pacific.
I used to run Trane air chillers from CO into Oakland Harbor for export overseas. Oakland is a beautiful city that SJW’s destroyed.
And we care, why?
They voted for this nonsense. Quit complaining about it.
Once you find the willpower to pull your collective heads out of your asses, then and only then, will you see the light.
Enjoy the bed you have made, bedbugs and all.
Many reasons to care.
One selfish reason: These criminals do not always stay in their neighborhoods.
Oakland is lost cause. Their last pro team the A’s are relocating to vegas. Maybe oakland can host WNBA. lol
Does that wig come off in the shower??
Clown show.
Another day, another city destroyed by an affirmative action SJW Soros DA.
Pamela price is a documented racist who blames all her problems in life on white people.
Woke trash.
Anxiously awaiting that giant splooshing sound coming out of the west.
(After the last good people have escaped, of course.)
This country would be as violent as Mayberry RFD without blacks.
Chicago is also finding out that elections have consequences. The latest murder there was the murder of a woman at an ATM by two thugs who are linked to a series of crimes across Chicago and Northern Indiana.
Very close to home for me. Sick feral predators murdered a mother of two, caregiver to mom over money. I’m starting to wonder if the modern black culture is capable of thriving in a free society without massive govt assistance. I guess that makes me racist but I don’t care. I avoid them as much as possible. And the vast majority of my interactions with black people have been drama free. But I know the chances of being murdered or criminally exploited by a young black man are exponentially higher than for any other race. If they hurt each other so much an old cracker like me is probably a prize target.
“Restorative justice” means treating perps as victims, if they happen to be black. Blacks can only be victims, even if they are career criminals who spend all day every day looking for opportunities to steal, rob, assault, rape etcetera.
When they get caught committing these daily crimes, they are the victims, and in the rare case where DA Price does not give them a pass, she tries to strong-arm the actual victims into meeting with the criminals who attacked them, so that the actual victims can apologize for being white and extend forgiveness to the poor victimized black victimizers.
That’s what “restorative justice” DAs actually do. They try to form a relationship where the white victim comes to understand how white racism made the black attacker into a career criminal who commits crimes all day, coercing the white victim into accepting blame and forgiving his attacker. That’s the only way out of this horrifying coerced relationship with someone he never wants to see again.
After all, the robbery and assault victim wouldn’t want to make this new “friend” even angrier, right? Better give him what he wants and expects, on pain of very nasty repercussions, just like when he robbed you on the street the year before.
This whites-owe-blacks grift reminds me of a black magazine salesman who came through my neighborhood, trying to white-guilt illiberal white “liberals” into buying magazine subscriptions to help a poor black from rough circumstances better himself.
I told him that instead of begging for handouts he should get a real job, be productive, make himself valuable, and he’d make a lot more money.
“I used to be street criminal,” he glared at me coldly. “You want me to go back to that?” Meaning right now. It was a direct threat.
“No,” I reiterated. “I’m suggesting that you, for your own sake, get a real job.”
Be productive? I don’t think the idea had ever even occurred to him. We should just be glad that he was only intimidating little old suburban women into giving him money, instead of hitting them over the head on the street.
Restorative justice is the same thing, only in place of punishment for hitting the little old lady over the head, DA Price just backs it up a step, letting the perp go to the alternative grift of merely threatening whites over how they supposedly owe blacks, as if the head-hitting had never happened.
No thank you. Head hitters should go to jail forever, and the race grifters should get real jobs.
“I told him that instead of begging for handouts he should get a real job, be productive, make himself valuable, and he’d make a lot more money.”
Year after year, for ten years and even twenty years, I have seen the same panhandlers downtown. Ditto peddlers of “magazines” created to make fake jobs for bums, which we are supposed to pay $$ for so we can feel good about ourselves.
I once was involved with a literacy project. All young black men. Twenty something years old and reading at a 5th grade level. And they don’t care. But they know all the latest sport statistics. I asked one 19 yr old where he worked at. He looked at me like I was crazy. “Work? I don’t work.” Beneath his dignity, and he was one of the more literate ones.